Droid 2 hands-on

Droid 2 hands-on

Phil goes hands-on with the Motorola Droid 2 with Android 2.2 Froyo. http://www.androidcentral.com/hands-motorola-droid-2


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34 thoughts on “Droid 2 hands-on

  1. @JasnoGT Yea! I am hoping to switch to another carrier soon and if I switch to Sprint I would probably get the Evo 3D or Photon 4G. I really wana try the new Ghostblur on Motorola phones nowadays since Motoblur isn't around anymore

  2. @ware1293
    I know what you mean. I have the Drd Incredible 1 and while I like it a lot but kinda get tired of HTC Sense..I even take it off with Launcher pro..but its just not the same. I cant decide whether to get a used Droid 2 off ebay or not. ..I love the 9650 BlackBry Bold too!! Both have excellent construction

  3. I wish I had this software on my Samsung Galaxy Fascinate. Grrrrr. Probably going to try out Motorola or another manufacturer after my Fasciante contract expires. I've already been with an LG Ally and Droid Incredible so I want to try something new after

  4. @xXRequiremXx it has short battery life… welll it matters how much you use it and what you use it for but your saying that ur going to use it a lot for music so for u i think the battery life will shorten out quickly..

  5. @warped1987 dude what does it matter what a gamer plays? i play system games and phone games, basically every kinda game i could play i play. thats waht makes me a gamer…did you ever notice the word gamer has the word "game" in it? no its true look it up

  6. hey i have a question. does swype come preinstalled on the droid 2? or do i have to buy it off of the market? i dont have the phone yet but i might be getting it on monday or for xmas

  7. @rockindavid310 Calm ur boner! i didnt no my caps lock was on and i hit shift for the begining of my sentence and BlackBerrires. Wen Caps lok is on it makes upper case letters lower case. The "plz answer" was supposed to be in caps cus i needed to no the answer.

  8. Are you serious, thats the Droid 2?…Ohh, lets charge you guys $580 retail and FORCE you to get a 2 yr contract. You can take the phone for $200. But wait, you'll also get a better processor!!! BS… I would expect at least a camera upgrade, and a HUGE processor upgrade like 1.5Ghz or 2.0 … HD Recording. A dual flash for the camera….& Improve the hell out of that battery life. Maybe then I'll buy this. I do like a physical keyboard but Droid X's touch keyboard is good, or so I heard.

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