Blu Studio Energy Review!

Blu Studio Energy Review!

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Blu’s Studio Energy is packing a whopping 5000 mAh battery that should last for two days. Check out our full review!

Intro Music: Logic – 5am

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41 thoughts on “Blu Studio Energy Review!

  1. Would love to see an in-depth review of the Energy 2. Is the upgraded processor/RAM worth competing with other $150-200 options? Looking for a small phone that holds its own.

  2. My wife got this phone at the same time I got the Moto E 2015.  The Studio Energy is a MUCH BETTER phone at this price point.  Better camera, bigger screen, better battery, etc… It even lags less with 1gig of RAM.

  3. I've had this phone for about 2 weeks now, and I love it. I last charged it 8 days ago, and it's still at 46%, but I always have the GPS turned off.

  4. Thanks for the nice well rounded review. I already made my mind up on getting this device and use it as a PHONE. I don't care about selfies, games, multi-tasking, whatever the kids do these days. Besides, I can get this for $99 thru my retail connections.

  5. Hello I am From India BLU Studio Energy Phone support GSM 900 GSM 1800,3G UMTS 2100, LTE 2300  frequency bands or Not ?

  6. only 6 hours of on screen time?! When compared to the Note 4 that's not far apart. Only thing is that the Note 4 is destroys this thing in every other category. I know it's not a high end phone, but why settle for turds in this day and age? I've seen hobo's with iphones ( that doesn't say much for iphones, but you get my drift ).

  7. I did not know you was from or lived in Detroit. I like the background shows. Looks like you was at Bell Isle where the Casino use to be. It is refreshing to see Our city is a beautiful light for a change.

  8. Honestly, not one of your better reviews. I don't know what it was but it was something. You sounded, distracted or something. Still a good video. And I guess we can't be on top all the time 😉 the phone though seems really boring. I always said to my self, "battery life is the most important thing in a smartphone" I think I've changed my mind.

  9. The slow interface and keyboard would keep me from buying it. Phones shouldn't have issues keeping up with typing even if it is a budget device. Looks like poor software optimization more than anything else which means kind of the same thing everyone else has been saying. Pretty much that you probably aren't going to receive many if any software updates for this phone.

  10. dat chat tho, like the joke from Kevin Hart "maaaan, im hungry as shiiit"

    too bad the phone is not a flagship, i just need those 5k mah, i dont need a shitty display and chipset to have more battery life than the raw number

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