Phil takes a look at the HTC Aria from AT&T, an Android 2.1 smartphone with HTC Sense.
AT&T HTC Aria hands-on

Phil takes a look at the HTC Aria from AT&T, an Android 2.1 smartphone with HTC Sense.
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My FIRST smartphone EVER… I had it for about 4 days… and then returned it and got the Samsung Galaxy S Captivate.
u got fat fingers brah
MINE BROKE TODAY! I dropped it from my hand into the boy's toilet.( I wasn't taking a dump). I randomly comes on in class, then I dropped from about 7 inches from the ground and it shattered. -.-
2:21 my mom has that gray phone
And I have the Aria!
But I hate it, it turns randomly reboots and I can only install like 5 apps..
I'm not one to usually go past bad reviews but this phone is just terrible, it has a ridiculous amount a Bloatwear, it constantly restart itself, the QWERTY keyboard is always sticking, the battery is CRAP, the speaker is REALLY bad listening music AND talking on the phone, it chooses when it wants to ring, the camera takes too long to take the picture and always has too much exposure, the video audio is horrible (I've head better sound quality on a potato), and the phone is all around slow.
uhhh i hate this phone it gives u so much shit..
Question: I have the intruder, or so i thought in till this video… is the aria the intruder???
hey brother why don't you sell me the htv evo 4g! i want one like that but new is tomuch money
@NMSchultz1 long term storage of a li-ion battery at full charge degrades battery. half full battery is best for long term storage.
@p0oface1 nvm i just got it it was a part of the video
@p0oface1 if ur a guy u basically called urself a girl lol
How much is the price
I have this phone and im changing it for a xperia play, if anyone wants to make a deal, please pm me to my channel.
iHad This Phone Since Christmas &+ It Was Fine At First Buht Lately Its Been Freezin` A Lot &+ Tellin` Me To " Force Close " . . . &+ Mah Screen Always Goes Black Out When iGet A Phonee Call
I've had this phone for a month and a half now for the past week a message has beening popping up saying sorry try again "force close" What does that mean?
I will be getting this phone in 3 days, I hope this was a great choice.
diz for the dude who made this send me a free fone plz im desprate plz reply
diz for the dude who made this send me a free fone plz im desprate
So many innuendos
My husband has this phone and he has trouble with getting videos/slideshows in texts. It doesn't want to play the whole video, he can only hear/watch about 10 sec. of one. Is there something he can do to fix this? Thanks!
i caint wait to get mines im getting it 100 % free no activation fee either ! its frm at&t alsooo ! 😀
i just got this i freaking love it!!!!
i got that phone. pretty good but not yet activated so i got no ifi connection. like you said it is a little bit cramped but at@t always does me good (no homo)
How come CDMA phones have no SIM card?
I got a DROID Incredible(Verizon)
@TracesofGrace744 yeaah this phone is a dollar one cent too
@TracesofGrace744 yeaah this phone is a dollar on att
Do Droids come with internet?
And is the facebook app considered internet?
@TracesofGrace744 dude me too, Did your buy it from at&t cause thats what i did. Plus i got overnight shipping. Cant wait to get it
@djeondj i did :).. well actually the htc inspire, pretty neat phone
@sr25guy thats only with the online discount plus 2 year contract, if u buy it in a store its more expensive
no camera flash?
@sr25guy Because the HTC Inspire 4G will come out in like a week or two.
my evo is huge
@mizkrystaboo go to smart one
@xAnnie12345x only way is to purchase the unlocked phone so avoid the mandatory data service
@stelliam join the club we are making tee shirts
@NMSchultz1 they might a swell make something like an i pad
i want to get this phone sooo bad
do you have to have the data plan to get wifi??
what does it man tht it doesnt download third party apps? like which ones?
@TAYLORRYAY naw……….not 4 me at least:)
@jamar4500 is it hard to text on it? like is it laggy or anything like that
Hey avsskill that's what she said!
i have this phone and it awesome:)