ASUS Padfone Infinity at Mobile World Congress

ASUS Padfone Infinity at Mobile World Congress

Alex and Phil take a look at the ASUS Padfone Infinity at Mobile World Congress 2013.


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7 thoughts on “ASUS Padfone Infinity at Mobile World Congress

  1. I want one SO bad. But I liked the padfone 2's design better. What's with the phone's new brick design? I really liked the 9mm to 3mm look on the pf2. MEH!

  2. Well the major thing would be that you can use your phones data connection on tablet if you are outside of WiFi. Yes you can tether but that requires either a)root b) a unlocked nexus 🙂 or c) you pay monthly to a service provider. IMO that's the biggest advantage to pad fine and part of the reason US carriers haven't jumped on board because they can't profit from this design

  3. I really don't understand the point of the tablet dock. I'd rather have a dedicated tablet because in both situations you're having to carry around a tablet or dock in any case. Also, it seems as though the tablet dock is quite chunky whereas most tablets are extremely thin now. Am I missing something about this design that makes it better than conventional choices?

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