Apple Music vs Spotify vs Google Play Music All Access: Which one is the best? – Car Mod Pros Portal

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Join us as we compare the most popular music streaming apps there are. Here is Apple Music vs Spotify vs Google Play Music!

Download Apple Music –
Download Spotify –
Download Google Play Music –

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By carmodpros


49 thoughts on “Apple Music vs Spotify vs Google Play Music All Access: Which one is the best?”
  1. I'm sure vorbis 500 kbps is better than aac 500kbps (440kbps max)…. Opus 500kbps is worse than vorbis.
    vorbis 500kbps is comparable to flac
    vorbis is better than aac!
    I don't understand why you (spotify) insist on using aac 256kbps and you sell it for around 320kbps

  2. Worth mentioning that Apple Music on Android gives a very unpleasant experience.
    Too plagued with bugs and apple isn't interested in sorting that out. You can check out the reviews
    on the Play Store. It's really crap for a premium app. I've been using Spotify for the last 3 months and don't

    recall myself having any WTF moments.

  3. Why I prefer google play music: Google assistant compatibility with playlists, it works with a youtube premium membership, youtube premium allows video downloads and music download for free!

  4. Ok, so Google Play Music is weaker than the others out there, but stands on 1 leg which it promotes.. being able to upload your OWN music into your library to access/stream from anywhere…

    Turns out, it's bogus, and Google still pushes on that one unique feature, even though they do EVERYTHING and ANYTHING possible to prevent you from using it..

    Bottom Line: DON'T get Google Home, or subscribe to Google Play Music, if "music" is of any priority to you.

    Here are the details if you are still interested:

    Google Play Music is the music streaming service by Google, but much weaker than it's counterparts by Amazon, Spotify, Apple… Etc charging the same or more than the others with a much smaller music library.. However, they only managed to get by thus far because of their publicized option to let you upload your own music and stream it from anywhere…

    Only problem is, they basically changed their algorithms so your Google assistant will not find those uploaded songs with almost ANY key phrases or search criteria (sometimes not at all) and 90% of the time will just tell you you need a subscription to choose artist/song and will ONLY fetch songs from the Google Play Music library.. Even when you use the recommended phrases like "from my library"… etc.

    Now, to make things worse, they even removed the ability to upload and/or import your own playlist (from local drive, windows, media player, iTunes, Spotify… Etc) and basically made it so it just automatically downloads the music files as a BULK all as individual tracks without folders, playlist or even file names.. Just track name, artist name, album and year from meta data on the files, and without even the ability to sort through them or seek them in any way, to prevent you from even making your own playlists with any kind of reasonable ease (as in, you need to go literally track by track and can't even search the files, since they don't show up on search and instead just suggest radio stations and subscription content instead)..

    Even the Music Manager software that USED TO have the option to import playlists, they removed all those options and just left the bulk upload feature (but apparently forgot to change the support files which still show the original option to import playlists)

    Now, to add to ALL this… Google also make sure you can't post negative reviews about their Google Home and Google Nest products (like Amazon's Echo Dot…etc) EVEN when you buy it from their own Google store… you SEE that there are reviews, but there is NO WAY on the whole site to actually post a new review (I spent 2 days looking)… and of course you can't on any of the tech sites they pay to review them either… and amazon will only let you review it if you purchased it FORM THEM.. which nobody will, since they conveniently sell it at at least $10 more than anywhere else, since it's a direct competitor to their Echo smart speaker range.

    Oh and get this… their customer support doesn't actually know you can't… because you used to be able to… so they keep searching for it until they finally ask someone come back after being instructed to say "Sorry, Google Play Music doesn't have that capability" and sometimes they will mess up and add "anymore"

    Thank you for selling out, Google.

    Oh btw, forgot to mention… the Google Home and Google Play Music forums are FULL of people giving them shit about it, and not one single reply from anyone from Google, apart from a couple of bots replying with random generic replies that have nothing to do with people's posts… good job Google

  5. It’s 2019 so I guess I’ll give a short opinion of what I think is better .. I’ve been a google play user for a long time and loved the selection of songs I had, BUT as of 2019 for whatever reason they just keep losing artist or whatever.

    If you switched from Spotify, because GP had more music selection I suggest searching all the artist you like on all the apps before making a commitment. I had to move to iTunes as of 2 days ago

  6. I had Spotify for 5 years. Apple Music has progressed so quickly in the recent months that I switched over to them about a month ago. Never going back to Spotify! I love Apple Music, their playlists, and social aspect! It is fantastic.

  7. I use google play but it really isn’t the best. Needs a design update, has weird errors, and is a little frustrating. Youtube Red is the one perk that makes me hesitant to leave.

  8. Well you didnt tell which one finally is the best ? thats why i gave thumbs down! but u said, its personal taste and we cant go wrong either way

  9. Spotify doesn't have any Jay-Z songs!! deal breaker right there. And Spotify only lets you download upto 2000 songs for offline listening. whereas Apple music allows you UNLIMITED offline downloads. u should have mentioned that rather than promoting biased bs

  10. Had a paid version of Google Play Music but got tired of it after awhile. Curated music stations don't change often enough or at all. Even after erasing the content and reloading new music, it's just the same music in different order. Also some of the music in a curated music station are not exactly under the correct genre. Theres also WAY too many strange music genres that DO NOT make any sense at all. As an example under "Dance & Electronic" there are 118 stations! One of them is "Lip Locked in the Dance Floor" another station is "The World of Pretty Lights". What the hell is that?!!! Simpler is much better, I like and prefer Spotify now. I do miss YouTube Red but the music stations made me crazy.

  11. I know this is an old video. However, I just found out about Google Music Cloud. I was trying to get assistance to play specific music and it kept insisting on a subscription. Now, I see why assistant was acting up. Yes, I found the walk around and you just mentioned it at 1 minute 35 seconds. I'll just use the playlist.

  12. TBH I like Spotify and Play Music equally, except Play Music feels less 'forced', more music and more broad genres… And it comes with my phone and integrates with my already-downloaded songs from other albums outside of Google Play. (I use Play Music free along with Spotify [if so])

  13. I’ve had an iPhone 6 ever since it came out, now I want to upgrade to an S9+ but I’ve got so much in Apple Music and I heard it doesn’t perform well on android devises

  14. Even though your breakneck narration wore me out 😉 , I really appreciated this video and all of the clear information in it. There also were no whiny nitpicks like often seem to fill this sort of video from other sources.
    I have had Spotify Premium for several years and never regretted it. Its huge catalog and functionality make it seem like it is my own music library. However, lately, I have considered Google Music and so have been looking for more information. I didn't know that YouTube Red was included.

    One suggestion: You didn't talk about music quality. That would be good to compare as well. (I mean bitrate and so on, not the type of music.)

  15. I have play music and spotify and can't complain. I'm an Android user so Apple music is unnecessary for me. With play music I ha e YouTube music and premium so I have 3 subscriptions for one price so teamGoogle for me 😀

  16. I never have post a comment on videos about music apps but we are a small team and we have been working to develop and a new streaming music app free! that at the same time you can have chat with your friends that are added to your list , so here few tips that'll show you which one is the best despite the fact that the one you choose its the best for you as long you feel comfortable using it, but let's be honest google use spider and let's remember Google uses mutiples dictionary formts so it will try to do a handshake to match the search files digits and connect, sneaking into private and public metadata and net storages even youtube, so bear in mind google use a dictionary that can be used on any languages to transcript so that's the reason google assistants is swift sending an almost 100% of accuracy on your seach and apple use ( Bing ) as a search protocols and connect through youtube music and

    Internet protocol suite and the most important dictionary

    Alphabet Inc . which belong to Google and

    Internet protocol suite and the most important dictionary so whether you like it or not, spotify can't be compared with apple music spotify uses WSGI

    Internet protocol suite

    Application layer


    Transport layer

    Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) so apple music is good but level of accuracy 90% on modern music/ Spotify level of accuracy is 97% so will complete its search faster than apple but not faster than google play keep in my they has to go through google spider by the way google format is MP3) AAC) WMA) FLAC) Ogg) ALAC) and wav)

  17. Apple music is only ₹1200 for a year in my country 👍🏻

  18. I don't have spotify in my country and neither youtube red. Google music is cheaper here and costs same as apple music if you take an annual subscription. What matters the most is apple music has no web client or a client for linux, so if you use linux, apple music isn't for you. As for google music, it has web client and also native clients for all 3 desktop OSes by 3rd party.

    In overall experience, apple music does better for me but if sometime, I need to switch to desktop listening, i would switch back to google music.

  19. Stop showcasing youtube red as some kind of game changing feature , it is nothing more than a failed product which is severely restricted to audiences elsewhere !

  20. @Android Authority:

    I have actually noticed the audio quality is lacking with Spotify even with 'Very-High' audio quality and tune-ups via the equalizer compared to GooglePlay, so for audiophiles like myself, spotify just cannot compete, I feel audio quality is something you should include in your video as well with a sample of music for viewers to compare.

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