Funding the Film | The Road to Nollywood #5

Funding the Film | The Road to Nollywood #5

I’ve hired a filmmaker in Lagos, Nigeria to make a movie for me. This is to show scammers that there are better ways to make money. But do I really think I can make money with this film? Subscribe to find out!


44 thoughts on “Funding the Film | The Road to Nollywood #5

  1. I wonder how it affects you that I’m a YouTube Red member so I don’t see any ads.

  2. I must admit I'm guilty of that I want to watch the movie so bad the advertisements are just skipped over but not realizing those advertisements May pay for shows just like this so I guess I'm going to have to watch the commercials and I am so sorry I guess watching TV for so many years you are forced to watch the commercials or you just normally take your bathroom break having the convene to skip the commercial has become a norm just didn't realize how much it hurts people who are trying to keep their shows on YouTubelikes and dislikes I guess doesn't cut it you have to watch the commercial for through and the and hope that they send something you like unfortunately some of the commercial a show of evil seen them before or don't like it and I don't know how to change the content of it only woman 54 years old I like food a lot I was riding for them to show me food or the latest movie or the latest games I really am going to Tech but no they show men's razors boxers briefs how to enlarge your body or make it smalleror showing commercials that have nothing to do with my personal interest but just something random that I have no idea even how to respond to it and how do I even go to purchase if I want to purchase itagain I feel very sorry that I have skip some of these commercials just so that I can get back to the movie

  3. Is that really a red camera.? Aren’t those things like 30k.?

  4. I'm watching the ad at the end of this video. Letting it play through. But I hate the ads I get. Always YOU NEED TESTOSTORONE… which is scary bc I swear they change based on convos my phone picks up. My dad is going through cancer treatment for prostate cancer. So he gets injections to REMOVE all testosterone bc apparently it feeds prostate cancer. He tried to refuse the last shot. And hes freaking drinking himself to death

    How the heck did this turn into a vent? XD

  5. He wanted 1 millions views. He didn’t even get 100k lolll

  6. I’m in sg soooooo


  7. Plot twist:he’s a Nigerian scammer in a body suit

  8. Well you have one Norwegian watching.😂

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