Trump HITS NEW LOW Directing Trial Stunt – Car Mod Pros Portal

Matt Gaetz and MAGA leaders just blew another racist dog whistle down at the Trump trial as they compete to see who can degrade themselves the most to gain Trump’s affection and a possible vice president slot. Michael Popok discusses Gaetz using “Proud Boy” white supremacist vocabulary in order to get Trump’s attention and show his support.

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By carmodpros


46 thoughts on “Trump HITS NEW LOW Directing Trial Stunt”
  1. This is not the right channel to do this, but I am kinda pissed! My outrage is your network has Adam Mockler as a narrator, I am so offended by having this boy who more than likely has not even fully grown out of puberty narrating on subjects, legalities and what's going on in the political nuances of the day! This boy has Zero life experiences or knowledge outside of a book. Why would this network put a boy in such a position to think that he has anything to bring to especially the political spectrum. I say this warmly, A child may know that he needs to cross the street, but does he have the all knowing information, knowledge and experience to complete the actual crossing. In Adam's case I doubt that very very much. You have heard of apprenticeship programs!
    How can one believe this child, he has no life experiences he is untested to establish a foundation of what his beliefs are.

  2. So law enforcement is done with Matt Gaetz like they were Jeffrey Epstein. Garland should be investigated for this. Party lines would be crossed for this kind of investigation but unfortunately one party does nothing but buttress a rapist in his effort to obtain the highest position in the world, at least for now. Ping is a close second and will be if we don't extricate Putin from our Congress.

  3. stop acting like the regular media rejected you for the prom! you use their clips and reporters to illustrate your reports, and then crap on them like trump craps on the justice system. stop it.

  4. Dr Ronny (feelgood) Jackson was also involved in getting the pardon on Abbott's desk. The murder shot his victim 5 times through the window of his car with a 357 revolver.

  5. And it turns out Alito is a fan. He has his rights to believe what he wants. Just know when you argue before the supreme court at least one has a soft spot for white supremacist.

  6. Why isn’t anyone talking about the “Civil War” movie being released on Netflix?

  7. So Matt Gaetz conceded the election is lost. Will someone tell the paedophile the proud boys are all standing by in jail after the last call to arms.

  8. Division is Trumps Specialty . You are either a racist or you’re not . There is no in between. He’s a racist . He can retreat to his bunker while a civil war ignites and rages on . These bad people want war .

  9. Figuratively speaking, Matt Gaetz is like a walking, talking hemorrhoid puppet. That’s a puppet made of hemorrhoids and that walks and talks exactly like Matt Gaetz. How much money did Dad give his 17 year old, interstate transported, “date”? Dad’s worth what, $30,000,000.00? That’s one young, rich business woman and her attorney! No one can blame her!

  10. Standing back and standing by to whine, cry, lie while keeping a roving eye for a teen naughty-girl. Keep up the great work honorable gentleman Gates of congress.

  11. I wonder if there's a ring people wear on the rear ero areas? You know how there's a ring men can wear on the front… is there a thing like that for the rear? Cause that's exactly the ring the magats would be smooching.

  12. IMO, there is no point in "keeping up" w the sharks' movements. We DO HAVE one assault for him.
    BTW, if you can become the Precinct Committeeman in your local voting area …THEN WE CAN PROTECT THE VOTER'S VOTES.
    If we allow the thugs to take over voting precincts they will lie,cheat and steal the next election.

  13. There was a trial I followed in Milwaukee where the judge warned the defendant ONCE and when he violated her order, he was instantly removed from the court room. He didn’t get dozens of chances to follow the rules and rightly so! That’s Milwaukee! What’s happening in NY?!!

  14. Thank you Michael. Education is truly the the only path forward. Democracy will not survive without it. Ignorance is Trump's greatest asset. Unfortunately it seems to be one of America's most abundant commodities. How can this be overcome?

  15. They want to desperately get his supporters to attack somewhere lol. Or at least show up en masse. They probably figure proud boys are unhinged enough.

    They also think they’re being deceptive. Like if they use that codes language it is a signal only they will understand. Also probably to avoid liability if in fact the supporters do something

  16. Consider this: Trump may have the Epstein tapes if he does then he's blackmailing the rich and powerful into supporting him. Everyone senator and congressman who supports Trump is a suspect as being on the Epstein tape or protecting someone.

  17. The republican stand for 1st and 2nd amendment rights the democrats will take them from you if they can.. Maybe you dont care but millions do we dont want a communist dictator country like china

  18. I'm hearing now that trump can get 10 cents for every empty ketchup packet his supporters send to the RNC headquarters. They ask that the packets be empty and for people to send no fewer than 5 at a time. Interesting…

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