Would You Hire Him..? – Car Mod Pros Portal

Today, we talk with a guy who we have featured before who trying to find a job but with his charges, it’s not so easy… Will he get a job..? Hope you enjoy!!!

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By carmodpros


45 thoughts on “Would You Hire Him..?”
  1. UPDATE: this video was filmed about a week ago. And since then, he was actually hired!! Today was his first day. Always awesome to see someone get a chance who wants a chance to get ahead AFTER PRISON.

  2. If you can't get a job making the amount you need then get 2 jobs making half what you need. It will make ends meet until you can find 1 job that will give you what you need. James is just lazy and feels like he is entitled to the world just because he paid his dues in prison. There are people with college degrees that work 2 minimum wage jobs just to provide. No one owes him anything and he needs to go out and earn it!

  3. I did HVAC work for 7 years and after that I had had enough! You get tired of climbing in attics and underneath houses and in closets! And then in the summer when you have to go into those attics and there's barely any ventilation and it's a hundred degrees outside but it's 140 degrees in that attic pretty much guaranteed dehydration if you don't stay hydrated! It's backbreaking work it pays well but you got to be prepared for some intensive labor! And I'm in New Orleans where it's hundred percent humidity like 300 days a year so I don't know how the humidity is in Virginia but I think you can handle it I'm rooting for you!

  4. He reminds me of a young Sid Haig. Before anyone goes off on me – That's not a bad thing. I'd hire him just based on that! LOL! (Sid Haig fan)

    I'm so happy to hear he was hired! 😊
    Nose 👃🏼 to the grindstone and eyes 👀 on the prize!

  5. It's so sad to see how negative most people are!! Not one of you know anything about this guy FR yet judge him and, say '6 months he will b3 back in prison'! Disgusting!!!! I got locked up in 1999 and got out in 2008. Everyone even most my family said the same shut about me. Guess what? I've been out 12 years in 4 month's and i have a wife,4 children and we own are own home and i own my own landscaping bussiness! Good luck James dont listen to most these people.

  6. Brother not trying to insult u but u gotta shave my dude. U can always grow it back once u figure out if ur bosses mind that sorta thing. But at first u gotta cover all ur bases man!

  7. Hell where I live startng wage is $13.50 an hour at McDonald's,Taco Bell and the like, but then again average rent just for a studio or an occasional 1 bedroom starts around $750-800. Gas is $3.45 a gallon.
    Trimming dudes beard up might help on the job hunt, I can't stand all these guys these days having long hair and scraggly pubic hair flowing off their faces, cut that stuff off!!

  8. This video is like the 2019 version of Bum Fights before the PC bomb dropped 😂 because this dude a full on bum he almost talks like he's trying to act.

  9. Fck No i wouldn't hire him! If he's not willing to work any job to survive then he gets no credit. U take what u can get bottom line period!

  10. you going on a job interview looking like a homeless man . shave your beard . wear nice clothes . you need to look like you would going on a date . you have to sell yourself . this man is a clown . i wouldnt hire him

  11. If you had a family prior to fucking up, you shouldn’t have fucked up. If you fucked up prior to having a family, you should not have proceeded to make a family. It’s hard enough for normal obedient people to get a decent wage job. You wanted to act like a teen and get in trouble, now you will be paid like a teen forever. Go ahead and refuse to work at McDonalds, one less idiot to mess up my order. The world is overpopulated as it is, the fewer people who can’t have children the better.

  12. I'd like to see a video about someone taking advantage of the First Step Act Joe. It's supposed to be really good but I don't have a whole lot of information on how it's actually helping people. What exactly does it do? Thanks.

  13. If he can do the job and stay straight and be honest and could talk to me if he felt he was going to lapse in anyway then yes his got the job

  14. Don’t seem like bad dude but he is the typical lazy type. To good to work smaller jobs but yet not to good to steal from someone an pawn the guns lol. If you want to provide for your family then any income is Better then 0 bucks a week. People who won’t work unless it paid good are always either lazy , sell drugs or young and dumb .

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