What I’ve Learned From Being On YOUTUBE… – Car Mod Pros Portal

In this video, I want to get back to some old-fashioned APS. Something we haven’t done in some time. And talk with you about what it’s like to reach 1,000,000 subscribers. And EVERYTHING I’VE LEARNED FROM THE LAST 2 1/2 YEARS ON YOUTUBE… Hope you enjoy…

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Why I went to prison FULL STORY: https://youtu.be/7ECgj1NzG_8

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For business inquiries: joepguerrero2@gmail.com


By carmodpros


38 thoughts on “What I’ve Learned From Being On YOUTUBE…”
  1. I enjoy every video 🙋‍♀️. I literally wait and check when I new video is uploaded.

  2. Been watching since you were with that Asian girl had skipper and were tired as fuck from work and who can forget those camera close ups lmfao always watch when you upload and wait for the next good shit what you're doing is positive

  3. Do more sponsorships Joe. Strike while the iron is hot! There is nothing wrong with capitalizing on the exposure that the platform you built has gotten you. The same people that call you a sell out are the same ones that want to see you fail. Fuck them!

  4. “Bigger bestest content” 😂 That’s the first time I’ve heard someone over the age of 5 say “bestest”

  5. Damn I wish there was a love instead of just a like button!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

  6. I really do love your channel. I’ve watched for a years at least.
    I’ve really loved how youve branched out and started interviewing other people to share their stories
    It might be interesting to hear from spouses or significant others or parents to talk about their experiences with each of you when you were committing crimes or in jail and then now since being out and finding success with APS,
    Most recently, I’ve loved the series on Danny and I hope it continues
    I’d love to see him do his on videos like you and now Dave as well to share more of his experiences like the two of you do
    I’d love to see more out reach and help to others just like yourselves. These videos are so moving and really help all of us with no connection and likely no understanding about being in prison what it’s like and what it’s like once you’re out and trying to live a good and honest life and what challenges must come up.
    As you grow Joe. I’d love to hear that you’ve opened a business or maybe someday businesses that hire only ex cons to give them access to an honest job.
    Even real estate investment and showing the selection of tenants and maintenance of properties that you only rent to ex cons just like Danny (and yourselves) who are willing to do what’s necessary to be able to stay.

    I know you said that you e got lots of ideas and I don’t doubt it but those are just a few things that I’d personally be interested in seeing. Congrats on 1million APS!

  7. You're awesome Joe I started watching your videos pretty late around July of 2018 but I have been binge-watching them ever since your show is very original funny but also inspiring and heartwarming you have educated me so much on Prison life and things that should be changed in our judicial system… Thank you for your videos your honesty and making me laugh

  8. Actually, yeah! Bring Peaches on there and have him do the make-up unboxing! Cater to the trans-sexual community. You can't tell them they're not part of the prison community. I can see it now…. "How to make yourself look good for your man. He might have a wife at home, but she ain't here to keep him warm." And sub topics such as "How to hide your contraband make-up in your cell." And…. "If you can't get the real thing, how to improvise prison make-up in order to look good."

    Do it, Joe! I bet you get a $#&% ton of views on such a sponsored video.

  9. hey joe, so i work out of my garage building custom furniture. for 2 weeks now my laptop stays on APS. Allllllllll day and all the through, even ads. i want you to know i am trying hard to get people to not only sub but to actually watch your videos. i wanna see 2 mil and at least 200,000 views on each video. ok brother cheers

  10. That last minute of this video is probably one of the most powerful statements I have ever heard. I truly feel the same, I do not want to live out my life with regrets, I want to try just like you Joe.

  11. Most people will move on to different content when the have exhausted the one their on. Im no professional or anything but those family you tube shows are supposed to rake in the money, that is if you guys want kids. Check into that one.

  12. You have soooooo many good videos. I feel like I’ve watched hundreds and hundreds already, and I’m only like not even half way through. Most people haven’t been able to watch every video let alone more than a few, probably.

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