Right now there is a nationwide prisoner protest going on. Inmates are refusing to work. And the jobs they do keep prisons operational. Why are prisoners protesting? Do they even have the right to do so? And do you agree with their reasoning? Check out this video for more.

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  1. Only 3.6% of prisoners across the US are there because of drug possession. Most of them plead down their original charges from distribution. Just 6% of prisoners were actually convicted of drug offenses across the US. Most of them involved distribution, not merely holding. My point being most prisoners are there d/t serious/violent crimes. When you go to prison, you lose your rights. With all of the $$ that prisoners cost US tax payers, they should work. I don't believe they should be compensated at all. And they can strike if they want, although SWAT will come in and ruin the shit out of their day. Look, anyone who goes into the military must bust their asses through basic and they are stripped of their unique identities and a USDA stamp is put onto their asses– property of the government.

  2. i think inmates should get a much better pay. the current wage is basically slave labor. perhaps the pay scale can be based on the relation to their charge. basically chomos dont get shit and everyone els gets better pay lol.

  3. Inmate or not everyone has rights and they are still human beings and should be treated fairly in my opinion! They should at least make $4.00-$4.50 an hour, then they can support theirselves in there and learn some responsibility too! Plus it would give them more reason to actually work instead of being lazy and unproductive!

  4. I feel like if the point of prison is correction, and Rehabilitation, then the pay should be fair for the jobs done by inmates. i get that it's a punnishment as well as a rehabilitation place, but 25 cents tops per hour seems detrimental to the purpose. then again, i also believe that a few cents per hour, for lifers, is probably reasonable, and realistic.

  5. They are prisoners not slaves regardless what they did as long as the I'll just say usadoc uses prisoners as their proletariat they should be paid fairly PROTEST! Thanks Joe all u are doing with APS is rad peace bro

  6. It seems to me that they should be making the minimum wage or not working. Then again I also think countries that treat their prisoners humanely have a far better system than the U.S.

  7. No administration or government that takes itself seriously would ever put up with a prisoner strike. To cotton to such an action would be to completely and utterly surrender the ongoing legitimacy of the government itself. The state reserves certain rights and administration of punishment is a very big one. If a nationwide prison strike were allowed, what’s stopping the military from striking?

  8. 12 cents? What the actual fuck! We got paid 8-14$/hr, so usually you got abou 1200$/month and if you were on a good at what you do, it could go up to 2400$/month. Which we pay "rent" for the cell which was couple hundreds.

    Most us us saved the money and when we go out we had a shitload of money or just use them when inside ( you can buy whatever you want, usually people bought ps3 or flat screens or full set of painting stuff etc etc )

    Funny thing, most of them don'w come back to prison, of course there are this certain group that likes the prisons because really good gyms and food is actually fucking amazing ( better than schools, military and typical lunch places combined ) for real.

    You have all the options in food, white or rye bread, what kind of butter u want, milk, water or juice etc, you can choose that you prefer potatoes or something else, usually there was pasta and other shit if u didnt like potatoes. If you are in minimun security you can have stove in your cell ( they had these kitchen hoods, those things that suck the smoke ) and a fridge plus freezer, so you can just make your own food.

    If you think that sounds good, you have no idea. It's only the top of the iceberg. Welcome to Europe

  9. I’m perfectly happy letting the convicts sit in their little sale for 24 hours a day and hiring people who haven’t fucked around and committed crimes let them work in the prison for good money keep a motherfucker locked up for four years don’t be eating shit and don’t let him work out

  10. Joe, to be fair…think about the taxpayer dollars WE have to pay. That money could be going to Medicare/Medicaid, SNAP or Foodstamps, or the VA.

    I read it cost 125,000 A YEAR to keep 1 prisoner locked up. But our kids get 7k- 10k a year for EDUCATION.

    My solution – Prisons should have farms so prisoners can get fresh food (not maggot food), and so they can learn skills as well. Prisoners who work on the farm should have the option to be able to sell products at a farmers market for money. Half goes to the prision, half goes to the "farmer".

  11. Legally prisoners in the United States are slaves. They have no legal rights while incarcerated. So, to be frank, they are lucky to be paid at all. Read the 13th amendment of the Constitution of the United States. Not saying that's how it should be, but that's what it is.

  12. Prisoners lost a lot of their rights and we as tax payers pay for their housing and food. If they strike, like no laundry or no cooking, they should be only shooting themselves in the foot as in they won't have clean clothing and food. Prison also isn't supposed to be comfortable because the goal is for criminals not to want to go to prison.

  13. I don't agree with the wages being paid to prisoners. Having been to jail before I can honestly say all the jobs suck. Getting a $1-$1.50 and hour is something that could actually benefit the prison as a whole while at the same time cause a huge power shift when it comes to between prisoners. The befits are that people can actually be generally happier knowing they can make commissary for some creature comforts making the overall mood of otherwise stressed out living conditions more bearable causing less hostilities between each other and towards prison staff. On the flip side it could be the exact opposite. Some people will use this to negative affect by being able to take greater advantage over less off prisoners. So I guess overall the benefits out weight the negative but I think is a good idea to raise the wages. I can only write so much on this it would be easier to talk about it in greater detail.

  14. I feel many times people forget that being in prison is the actual punishment for the crimes. Getting punished while being punished isn't going to make anyones chances in life better. If the work was paid better it might even be possible to save money for your future life outside. Just a thought.

  15. Yet, America, along with many other countries like it have homeless willing to work, just to get fed etc.
    And then you have these…'inmates' who complain on the conditioning of set work, workplace etc.
    Sound's like 'nobody' knows what prison/jail is.
    It's not just to keep'em off the street's.
    It's also meant to rehabilitate them to be working citizens!

  16. The inmates will not be allowed to strike no matter if they want to or not at the prisons where your mandatory to work unless you want to be tortured and be put in the hole every night

  17. No hate just a question. How much does it actually cost taxpayers to house a prisoner? Perhaps it's fair paying the same wage rates they would get on the outside if it means they also pay for their own incarceration too.

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