What Happened With Danny’s GoFundMe…

What Happened With Danny’s GoFundMe…

In this video, we go see Danny giving him an update on his GoFundMe but it seems there is some unfortunate news that we hope would not have happened…

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50 thoughts on “What Happened With Danny’s GoFundMe…

  1. So GoFundMe froze the account because they had questions for if it was for him and where the money would be going, but after almost a whole day they finally got back to us and released the full amount of money that was raised on the GoFundMe! Now we will be able to give Danny everything that was raised, but for now, he is now with his family for the holidays with a camera to capture all the amazing moments for the APS Army! I want to thank everyone who donated and supported the GoFundMe and Danny, none of this would have been possible without the APS Army!!!

  2. who'd of thought he'd turn into a ungrateful whiner after getting all that money and fleeing APS and asking for his videos to be taken down…Ya just never know what's in peoples heads…

  3. I was a bit unnerving when it seemed like the guy that helped raise the money was suggesting when HE would release it.. I got the feeling like he wanted to be in control of it.. like a dad.. like a babysitter.. like a big brother who wants to control things and dole it out with his permission… that’s not right,, it’s demeaning as well… the money was raised for him.. I see why they froze the account… I applaud what you have done… but you shouldn’t be in control of the money…it’s his… when you say your giving it.. that’s just wrong…. just put it in his account and STFU

  4. In one of the shows I saw about Danny, he said he never smiles…that was when he had been out 7mos & was homeless, no job, and kept getting kicked while down but boy, look at that SMILE now, so genuine. He's a humble man. So PROUD of you Danny!!

  5. Danny ❤ fantastic 🙃

  6. Love you Danny🧡 My wish for you is peace, happiness and love . Stay strong and positive.

  7. Wow, wow this is so awesome thankyou for giving Danny a chance. You all are angels. God bless you all. 🙏😊🥰💋

  8. That smile…PRICELESS.💖💞💗💕💞💖💗💕💕💞💞💗💗💞💕💗

  9. Danny😀

  10. Omg I love watching his video 😢

  11. People are really great give Danny a heart granted help , give him a chance to leave a normal life outside prison life, to forgive people who done wrong, and serve in prison for 40 years . Danny please be a good man forget the past and and face a new life now. I wish for you a new life and wish you can find a loving ang caring woman to be your partner untill the end cheer up for a new life now for you God Bless I watch this youtube vedeo here from Philippines

  12. Why are you getting so damn mad that these people don't trust y'all?? They don't know you…..they are only making sure y'all aren't scamming. Why is everyone be so frickin be sensitive??

  13. Somebody should teach this Man how to wear sunglasses.. I mean it's not the 70's anymore..😆

  14. Danny should watch this video!! And pay attention to what happened with the “Other Money” geeze ..listen to Joe!

  15. I like D dude. He has simplicity appreciation humble qualities my BOO 💞has.
    My honey is due out in March, cnt wait"💚anyways, I’ve been watching some of these videos tho Dey fr awhile back! Interesting DuDe

  16. Very beginning of this I heard you say by the grace of God I pray genuinely that you have accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior because if you do or have you definitely get to go to heaven. And I want to see you go to heaven

  17. No offense but I sure hope the hell you do not try to scam Danny okay you're a bit too hyper for me and to arrogant so that has me quite concerned I'm getting a red flag and because you're doing something for him do you think that he owns you you need to walk with some sort of integrity all the way 100% integrity

  18. Ignore the trolls Danny 😁👌👍

  19. They should do a movie and let Danny play him self ,he will do great🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏



  22. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼😇😇😇😇🥲🥲🥲🥲 only God knows about my tears 😭 thank you Danny and the team

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