What Happened To The Guy Serving 1800 Years In Prison? – Car Mod Pros Portal

It had been a while since I last heard from any of my prison pen pals, including Doug who is serving an 1800 year prison sentence. I thought I wouldn’t hear from him anymore for whatever reason. But then I did and he told me something happened which I’ll share with you today. Also in this video we hear from a guy I was locked up with nicknamed “Goo” who is serving 225 years. And also, WAIT UNTIL YOU SEE WHO I JUST GOT IN CONTACT WITH…

Video for that story here: https://youtu.be/N9ylECtDMq8

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Why I went to prison FULL STORY: https://youtu.be/7ECgj1NzG_8

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Chesapeake Va. 23323

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By carmodpros


39 thoughts on “What Happened To The Guy Serving 1800 Years In Prison?”
  1. You really should just be honest with the people you've lied to and always be honest in the future. It actually seems like lying to these people goes against everything you stand for. There's no harm in being honest with them. In fact, there may be far more harm because of you lying to begin with. And maybe not even with this person, but lying always comes back to bite us in the ass eventually. I live by a code of not lying ever to anyone, and I've only broke that code 3 times since I adopted it. And every single time I did lie it came back and kicked me in the teeth. And there's no reason you cant tell these people the truth anyways. Yes, you may lose an opportunity to speak with someone here or there, but there will still be alot of opportunity to speak with others and share their stories anyways, and at the end of the day your conscious is clear. Don't allow your pursue of great journalism taint your integrity. It is never worth it in the end.

  2. Is it better to tell people on the inside, that family has passed? I watch another channel shout out to Joe from Cali, that never was told about family deaths….. He found out his Father and so many others died, the day he got out….. I don't know if I could've handled that…..

  3. Probably, better off writing letters in this day and age. People are always looking towards technology, so many emails written they are getting backed up! Plus, the Cops have to read every one….. I'd definitely write handwritten letters these days.

  4. Joe, you should scrutinize exactly what
    Info you're giving out past or present
    About inmates. Lieing to an inmate
    and then giving him your number
    Is about as stupid as diving in
    Water with SHARKS- THINK 'about

  5. plea for 25 years instead of getting the 225years who would turn that down or maybe he knew he would be back in jail sooner or later and kinda gave up on it

  6. A Strong and confident Black Labrador running with his horse companion, each carrying a stick on the modern homestead carved into rocky soil. Similar to the Budweiser Commercial except with non-draft horses. All of them running into the sunrise.

  7. Curious why you didn’t tell Tyson what you do for a living? What was your logic around the decision to say you were a councillor? (Doesn’t look like I spelt that proper, sorry) And Tyson is very nice to look at…. but damn I’d be terrified to be hit by him!! As a female, he’d probably kill me dead! Lol Hugs n Love from Canada ♥️

  8. Hey Joe, I'm a new subscriber of your show. I really like your content. Wishing you all the best with the show!! – It's awesome that you have pen pals. I'm thinking of doing the same.
    I have a humble suggestion about this pen pal video – First of all I really enjoyed it, but I would really appreciate that you ask your pen pals for consent before sharing the stories with us. (If you do already, sorry perhaps I misunderstood) I just wouldn't want to be that inmate that found out his letters were public through a guard, I'd want to know from you before that. Anyway, great channel and all the best to you! I'll keep supporting w/likes 🙂

  9. Hearing his outlook on life is sickening. To have that much time he has obviously done bad things but hearing how he’s accepted his fate is so scary

  10. I ain't in no way in hell doing time like that, I'll commit suicide and do the country a favor getting rid of my sorry ass, having said all this "I spent a total of 2 nights in jail and I'm 58", it take some serious effort to not do shit that can/will get your ass locked up, that's my secret "don't do stupid shit and I should stay a free man"

  11. Joe Guerrero: You don't know how a guy inside prison can have a real relationship? Really? My love is in prison. It's very real for us. It's all about our loving bond. It's very tight. We hold on to each other. We are each other's best friend. Someday we'll be together on the outside. Much love <3

  12. COCOA — A 19-year-old man wanted in connection with the slaying of a young couple in Virginia was captured by police Sunday after a car chase along a busy highway involving at least three law enforcement agencies.

    Douglas Cole Waters, of Waynesboro, Va., was arrested about 5 p.m. Sunday on a double murder warrant after Cocoa police spotted him and his 17-year-old girlfriend leaving a Best Western hotel on State Road 520, said Cpl. Bobby Jones of the Cocoa Police Department.

    "They were definitely trying to get away. The car they were in belonged to the deceased victims," he said, adding Waters was driving a stolen car between 60 and 100 mph on the highway as police closed in.

    Virginia authorities think Waters shot and killed execution-style a young couple in Waynesboro and stole their 2000 red Honda before meeting up with his girlfriend.

    "He told her 'I just killed two people, let's go to Florida, let's go to Cocoa,' " said Jones of a conversation overheard by the girl's sister. The girlfriend's sister thought Waters was kidding but went to police who found the bodies Sunday morning, officials said.

    Virginia authorities also alerted Cocoa police that the couple — believed armed and dangerous — could be traveling to Brevard County because the girlfriend may have known someone in the area. Jones had officers patrol area hotels before police Officer Matt Turner spotted the car at the Best Western.

    The end of the pair's 800-mile trek came as Waters swerved to avoid stop sticks placed in the car's path on Clearlake Road, police said.

    The car skidded across the northbound lane of the roadway and onto the sidewalk after nearly hitting two Florida Highway Patrol troopers, officials said.

    "We had to jump on top of my car," said FHP Sgt. R. Scott Tipton.

    Cocoa police officers quickly subdued Waters and his girlfriend after they jumped out of the car, littered with candy wrappers, soda cups and cigarette rolling papers, and ran into a nearby wooded area, Jones said.

    Police also used the Taser to stun Waters twice as he tried to escape, Jones said. The girlfriend was not charged but was taken in for questioning by authorities to determine her role in the killings.

    Waters, being held at the Brevard County Detention Center on the warrant charges, denied involvement in the homicides. No gun was found.

    "I ain't shoot anybody in Virginia," Waters said as he was led handcuffed to a patrol car. Cocoa police are expected to turn the car over to Virginia investigators for evidence in the homicide case.

  13. Hey Joe, I really enjoy some of your videos. I appreciate you wanting to help dude make some money by selling his artwork. I've never served time in prison but the artwork I do has been described by some as prison-like. Its black and white abstract. I'd like to hear what you think about selling some prints on your site with a large percentage going to inmate artists. I know its a slim chance youll read this. Thanks man

  14. You fight like hell but in the end take the deal ! Prison is full of people who didn't take a deal and got crushed! 2 to 4 into 17and a half to 35. What do you say? Good luck dude I hope it works out.

  15. My dad was military in Korea and Thailand martial arts was thought early. I told no one so if I did fight gee I don't know what came over me no I don't know martial arts. Note no kicks most real martial arts are upper body.

  16. It’s kind of amazing how much of a positive impact one person with a Youtube channel and some notoriety can have on some folks. If nothing else you give people one of the most important things that seem to be in short supply for a lot of them both in and out of prison. Hope. I admire and respect your efforts Joe. God bless you sir.

  17. I think its cool that you are reaching out to some of these guys. I can't imagine its easy being locked up, with no true friends beside you, so showing your friendship and humanity is a great thing. If all it gets them in the end, is the thought of someone outhere somewhere who hasn't forgotten about them, that alone would probably make things just a little bit easier, mentally.

  18. Hey, APS Joe! My 1st BD (who you may know – or know of… b/c he/we are from Chesapeake). I don't wanna share his name on here, but would be willing to talk about it with you in a private message (like on FB or phone/text). Aaaaaanyway…. The reason I am writing this is because I am trying to figure out if this "Tyson" is the same Tyson who (in a small Chesapeake mobile home park near SoNo) punched my BD in the face with brass knuckles & knocked him to the pavement with just the 1 punch! Tyson's hands were fucking enormous, so it caught me by surprise when my BD got up holding his face, & ran. Anyway, then some guy who I barely knew who actually lived in the trailer park (who I guess may have had beef with Tyson over messing with or trying to holla at his underage sister… idk) came up to Tyson to fight him after my BD ran. Dude's name was, well, I will call him "D", for privacy's sake. Well, he never got a single hit in before Tyson immediately knocked him all the way out… then began punting this dude's head like a fucking football, REPEATEDLY! I have NEVER been more scared in my entire life that someone was about to die in front of me. So, I am still, after all these years, confused as to what made me get in the middle of it to try to protect him, especially b/c I barely knew either one of these guys! But, as soon as he started kicking his head like a fuckin soccer ball, I immediately ran towards them crying & yelling "STOP! STOP! You're gonna kill him!" & i used my entire body to cover this dude's head. He was unconscious & I didn't hear him breathing, so I thought he was dead or dying! What was so fkn crazy to me was that there were like 15 or 20 people (all supposed friends & family of "D"s) standing around watching ALL of this unfold… & NOBODY acted but ME!!! & I was the ONLY female there (with the exception of Doug's sister who was still in the trailer)!!! They must have all been scared… but so the fuck was I!!! But, in that moment, for some odd reason that I still cannot understand, I was NOT afraid of Tyson, what I was most afraid of was someone dying in front of me & then having to forever live with the fact that I never did something to help when I coud have! All I can say was it must have been God! Especially b/c when this was happening it felt more like an "out of body experience", almost like I was floating above myself, watching myself do this! idk…! But the craziest thing was when I ran over & covered "D"'s head with my body.. I thought for sure that I was going to be the one who felt the next kick! But, I didn't. For some reason, Tyson stopped… & never touched me!!! I still do not understand why to this day! Anyway, my adrenaline was pumping hard as fuck & it all kinda gets fuzzy after that… but I do know that an ambulance came & took "D" to the hospital… & Tyson got away! About a month or so later, an ex-BF of mine took me to "D"'s house so his mother & family could "thank me for saving their son's life". I had never been there & I didn't know any of the people there. But they were all so grateful for what I had done. Then, his mama took my hand & waked me over to where "D" was sitting. The person sitting before me almost looked nothing like the young, outgoing, extremely attractive, always smiling man that I had tried to help that day. It was almost like it was "D", but just an empty shell of himself! He was expressionless, & motionless, & his eyes were much darker than I had remembered & were glazed over. He just kept staring me directly in the eyes, with a subtle "sad, puppy-dog eyed" look. His mother took my hand & placed it in his. He never moved & his gaze was eye-locked with mine. I held his hand & said a silent prayer for him in my head, then when I silently said "Amen"… he ever so slightly, just barely squeezed my hand. I kissed him on the cheek & left. I never saw him again, nor ever went into that trailer park again.
    Now, I do not know "D"'s exact diagnosis/prognosis but they said he had severe brain damage & almost died, & that he would never be "himself" or "his old self" ever again. A few weeks/months after the incident… I "heard thru the grapevine" (so who knows if it is true) that Tyson had jumped off of the Campostella bridge (not knowing if he died or not – but it was suspected). Others say soon after he got locked up for unrelated shooting charges. Now, I am not sure if either of these rumors were true or not, but I never saw Tyson ever again since that day . So, I was just wondering if this was the same Tyson as in this video. He definitely looks a lot like him. Is there any way that you could write to ask him if this was him or not. Just curious! Sorry so long! Also, IF ANYONE knows of this story or knows "D"… I would love to know how he is currently doing! Oh, this incident took place in spring/summer 2002, 2003, or 2004. But I think it was closer to 2002-2003, tho. Please follow up, ask Tyson, then LMK. TIA

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