We Tried To Abandon This Storage Unit…

We Tried To Abandon This Storage Unit…

Today we attempt to abandon the monster storage unit we won during an online storage auction. But that we would find out later wouldn’t work out the way we hoped it would. So guess what??? We have a warehouse now!!! Going to try to win some more units tomorrow to share with you. And also we have a small moving gig tomorrow! Hope you enjoy!

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39 thoughts on “We Tried To Abandon This Storage Unit…

  1. WHO DISLIKED THIS VIDEO!?!? I mean, IMMEDIATELY AS SOON AS IT WENT LIVE THOUGH… lol folks I have a full-blown storage wars addiction now. And I hope you're enjoying our latest venture. Tomorrow I WILL WIN MORE UNITS… So more adventures to come. also, today we learned you CANNOT ABANDON a unit. So now we are stuck with this WAREHOUSE!!! lol nice filming location once we get it cleaned up. Also, check out https://www.apsofficial.com/auction to see some of the items we're selling if you're interested. More will be posted daily!!! Hope you enjoy! And hit that like button for APS! Thank you!

  2. Just an idea, but why don't you guys do a storage unit sale. Kinda like a yard sale, but people in the area could meet you and buy some of the stuff from these units. I think it would do well for the community and help you guys not have to throw away/sale so much stuff. Again, just an idea. But you guys have the reach and advertising to do well even if you don't buy the units at a good price.

  3. if you can't sell the stuff, and it comes down to it taking up too much room, just have a garage sale and sell everything dirt cheap. even if you don't make your money back, it's worth getting rid of

  4. Just subbed a few days ago. Love the channel. And being an ex convict myself, going in n out of prison, I respect and admire your hustle and everything you do💪🏽💯 keep up the great work and motivation.

  5. when will it be enough joe…mponey money moeny…its all your life has become…do u even enjoy your stuff or just think aboput how much u have to pay per month or what bigger thing to get next….appreciate what you HAVE not what you WANT…ive been watching seine the start and i have seen you become a drone to money…not appreciating just being out like u used to.

  6. Watches storage wars once……lol 😂

  7. Why u listening to jelico look at how fast u selling shit pretty slow ?right ? You got too mushy and your losing money stop buying shit till u get rid of a bunch it don't make since you got so much shit you are gonna be stuck

  8. Ju man (if that’s how you spell it) seems like a great dude. Always ready to go, to work, to be there if you need him. That’s a Real dude. Hopefully you guys get a better handle on price job and you sell your items. Good luck your doing great. It’s also great how your trying to help everyone out.

  9. Could of triple your profit you left so much behind 🤬🤬🤬

  10. I really been enjoying the storage hunts and thx you for bringing us along for the adventures. Love the channel and people in show and wish you much more success. Keep the storage and stories coming. 😎👍🏻

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