We have a problem… – Car Mod Pros Portal

It’s been awhile since we vlogged. And this is something we’ve been filming for two weeks. We have a problem. A bee infestation. These bees have taken over the rec yard, and we’re about to attempt to demand some respect. Hope you enjoy!

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By carmodpros


46 thoughts on “We have a problem…”
  1. Gonna waste a whole can on 1 bee 🤣🤣🤣

  2. Don't bother with your average pest control companies. Call a professional bee removal company ion your area. If those are Wood Bees, it's a process to kill them. They hatch in spring and again in late summer, so you have to make sure they're gone for good.

  3. I have PTSD from bees.
    Stung me for 9 years as a child.
    I know all their tricks and how to stop them.
    They sleep at night. Find their living areas and go at night to eradicate.

  4. 1. I hope they are bees, not wasps. Bees don't harass people. Wasps are assholes. They will sting you just for the fun of it.
    2. If they are wasps, and you are going to spray wasps, you do it in the late afternoon, or early evening, when it is cool out.
    3. If they are carpenter bees, they are beneficial for the environment. They aren't so beneficial for your house. They don't eat wood, but they make holes in it. If you insist on getting rid of them, it's pretty easy.

  5. I have owned a pest control company for nearly 20 years. These bees are tunneling into the sofet not into the attic. The female drills a hole in the wood and deposits her eggs. While she does this the male will dive bomb you to scare you but they are all show. They do not have a stinger. The females do have a singer but rarely use it. You really need to call a locally owned (support your community) pest control company to handle this problem. These are wood destroying pests not much different then termites.

  6. Look at the old home remedies.We had a mouse issue last winter and we tried everything,then we put peppermint oil down and we don’t have a single mouse anymore.

  7. Been there, done that with wasps building a nest in my house! Took them on with a double-fisted, two can, wasp fog/cloud spray frontal assault. The porch and side of the house ended up being littered with dead wasps☠☠☠ and I got a few stings. The wasps have never returned 👻👻👻

  8. I’ll make a small change to rabbit idea I’ll go to Home Depot get a long ass piece of wood and smack tf out that nest, slide down the ladder and run inside

  9. Joe you gotta spray the bee killer and use spray foam in and holes or crevasses afterwords so they can’t get back in otherwise they just gonna keep going back

  10. Those bees usually burrow in the ground. Underneath a piece of plywood or some kind of wood the burrow into the ground a whole hive

  11. I found that bees, wasps, etc. don't like being sprayed with hair spray. Their wings get stiff and they can't fly. It takes a few minutes, but it works.

  12. Joe you done went and bought a beautiful home but never went up in that attic before purchase ?? I hope y’all at least had inspectors go up there for you you know to check it out for like ummmm…..let’s say insulation and what type ? Leaks if any? Oh yeah and signs of carpenter Bees 🐝! They hibernate during the winter but the signs and nests could still be there . And they gots to go because of the damage they can cause . And they scare the heck outta me tooooo 😬😳🤦‍♀️ never mind seconds later you say “ damn we done the inspection and never went into the attic!! What type of inspector doesn’t go into the attic ?? Was he a buddy of APS OR A professional one because he’s spose to go into that attic even if you don’t . Reason I ask is if he’s a professional is because you may be able to get some monetary recourse if it’s going to cost you a lot to have them bees removed and or any damage caused by them . Just something to think about . Besides that the inspection should have been checking out them soffits which also would have indicated those bees. Joe when they go in at night they sleep so no they won’t swarm
    You lmao but I gotta tell ya this is hilarious and as you are filming and driving one was right outside your truck following you if you didn’t see it in editing go look again as you’re talking about killing em one was following by your side of the truck lol! Joe you ain’t go no bigger ladder ? And nooooo don’t spray now do it at dusk !!! 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝⚡️⚡️⚡️

  13. There just bees .get a ladder and throw a fogger inside where they are stay at ur boys house while yours is getting bombed by the fogger you don't want to breathe that s*** in. Done

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