We Gave Up Our Baby Because Of Addiction…

We Gave Up Our Baby Because Of Addiction…

In this video, we sit back down with Richie and he tells us some even crazier stories and about how he gave up his baby cause of addiction… You will have to hear why he did it…

Part 1 of Richie’s story: https://youtu.be/-w_OTBCqfvM
Part 3 of Richie’s story: https://youtu.be/NMRSY5KZ5Mw
Part 4 of Richie’s story: https://youtu.be/lzRtsYHeg1k

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31 thoughts on “We Gave Up Our Baby Because Of Addiction…

  1. Women are out of there mind a vasectomy? How about don't spread your legs so he can fill you full of man gravy or learn to swallow men are never gonna stop says all the Viagra out there 😂

  2. Omfg watch your tweaker mouth your telling 😭

  3. I absolutely can't believe this, you can tell hes full of shit, he knew all the numbers and what he could've got or expected Cash Wise for adoption, they are having babies just for financial gain. I absolutely can't fucking stand it. I've never commented this much on any vids but the guy is a POS

  4. Thank you being selfless and giving your baby a wonderful life. ♥

  5. Surprise! He’s back in prison.

  6. This guys problem is that he doesn't take accountability for his decisions. Everything going on in his life is entirely his own fault.. yet he is unable to see this. He just piles the excuses atop each other. It's really quite sad. But its not just the drug use its his own mindset.. he is a 45 year old child

  7. This guy looks worse than when he was just in jail,, and the wife?,, she looks like a druggie, I be damn if I’d take a drug over a precious child ever! This is just sad 😔

  8. Wait. Yes me again,,, I’m not feeling bad for them now,, a lot a person could do with the damn money they use for the drugs,, the poor kids is the ones that’s always going to suffer

  9. This guys dodgy like, talks like the world owes him something and that nonsense about how 6k barely helped is a joke it only barely helped because you piped 5500 of it i hope the bairn is with a loving family who value them this clown obviously didnt or he wouldnt speak about it how he does. Pathetic in my opinion, you have responsibilities sort your life out man.

  10. This great video my husband has chested on me n became homeless on dope he met girl on dope m homeless too. A baby boy was just born. Not sure if it's my husband kid but he has 1 he left 12 tears ago n the girl has 3 or 4 w different men she lost. CPS involved cause the mom was smoking . I wish they would give it up. Cause as his wife I can't accept the baby

  11. if/when he goes back in, the CO's now know all his tricks 4🤦🏻‍♀️

  12. “Can I have your wallet?”

  13. “We gave up our baby because we care more about getting high than what happens to our innocent child.”

    Sick, terrible people.

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