Top 5 TV Shows Prisoners Watch UNDERCOVER…

Top 5 TV Shows Prisoners Watch UNDERCOVER…

In this video, I’m going to tell you about the top 5 tv shows prisoners watch undercover. And what I mean by that is these are the shows and channels and even COMMERCIALS prisoners are watching late at night… And when looking for a little ALONE TIME… If there’s even such a thing as that while serving time. Hope you enjoy!!

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33 thoughts on “Top 5 TV Shows Prisoners Watch UNDERCOVER…

  1. Ah yes, Telemundo. Never been to jail but I watched that channel for the same reasons growing up.

    As a teen I would get up at like 5 or 6 in the morning to watch some Telemundo show that had this segment known as "Chica Caliente". Basically some bikini/model segement lol.

  2. When I was locked up it always made me shake my head when they wanted to watch C.O.P.S. I was like come on we all know how this ends up. Being locked up is when I found out that black guys really like westerns. They were all going nuts over the gun fights and hooting and hollering when a cowboy pulled out a hand cannon. I was surprised how much they seemed to enjoy it.

  3. I made a ton of money in junior high off the Spice Channel. We had a satellite dish the old school 10×10 ft ones that actually rotated. We got all the adult channels Playboy, Spice were the main ones. I would make like 30 min tapes off the Spice Channel and sell them at school for $10 a piece. I had a huge racket going. Just about every boy in school bought a tape off me. They pulled me out of class and searched my locker a bunch of times. Guys would get caught by their mom and try and rat me out. I was too smart to get caught at school. I was a smut peddler at a young age,

  4. We had naked and afraid. Lol. Discovery channel was something that always came in crisp and that show would air every single day and night.
    ….And telemundo in the mornings is good too. Cant understand em but theres a ton of skin.

  5. "And this one time at bandcamp I um hmm" 😳😳😳😳😳😳🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫😱

  6. I started dying on the slow mo😭😭😭😂😂💀💀💀🤣🤣

  7. What's funny is I remember becoming acquainted with most of these when I was a teenager, being the only one awake downstairs in the middle of the night. Kinda hits different now that I realize I had, um… "company." Oof.

  8. I used to get off at max from 2 BROKE GIRLS AT 2 AM!! LOL 😂😂😂😂😂that’s the closest of porn we got and THANK YOU FOX CHANNEL!😂😂😂🙏🙏

  9. Which I never understood was why inmates would watch big brother because prison is like big brother but in big brother they get treated better and fed heaps better and during the day in the common area during summer all they watched was tennis,I understand why when the chicks played but other than that it’s boring as fuck

  10. My young ass loved the Spice channel. See a boob there and half a booty here with all the squiggly lines. That along with Howard Stern and if I was desperate there was a Brooke Burks show on E!

  11. Up late with Ricky D or on active duty when the carrier was in drydock all of us on firewatch had skinemax playing on the ready room tv while joking around or playing video games and none of the female enlisted said anything they were just as big of pervs as the guys 🤣

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