The Worst Day Of My Life… – Car Mod Pros Portal

Yesterday my wife and I had a doctors appointment. And we found out the baby didn’t have a heartbeat any longer. This hit us out of left field and completely unexpectedly. This destroyed the both of us. After learning this, there were things that still needed to be taken care of. Obligations I had that could not be put off. After taking care of the things needed to be done in this video, I went to be with my wife, who as expected is not doing good at all. But she is the strongest woman I have ever met. And is doing somewhat better today. No one could ever prepare you for something like this. And all we can do is try to figure out a way to get through this. I love you all. And this is by far the most traumatic thing we have ever been through.

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By carmodpros


39 thoughts on “The Worst Day Of My Life…”
  1. My wife and I are absolutely broken. I cannot put into words what this is like. Or even think about how to get past this. But I know that is what we will have to somehow do. I want to thank you all for the thoughts and prayers throughout all of this. And right now all I am trying to do is be there for my wife.

  2. Stay strong. This is nature’s way of keeping your baby from growing up with over the top special needs. My two nieces were born and we watched these babies suffer. You will be okay. Grieve and move forward.

  3. How much did you have to pay the driver? And i liked the wells fargo in the background made it seem legit. Elaborate stories hell yea! I would have been crying too if i had to pay a bunch of mfrs! Good luck bro!!$$$$$

  4. Wow Joe I’m so sorry I give you and your wife my condolence I’m so sorry bro don’t no how your filming this

  5. This is a major problem… I have sympathy for your big heart but the perception that I believe would help everyone grieve would be to understand that everybody, some far sooner than later have to leave. In all honesty I'd feel the same way but it would be in temporary moments like when waves roll in as the tides coming. I'd consider it blessing in disguise for the fact it caused more pain and in return I'd have more anger, which gets shit done… no pain no gain…

  6. I unfortunately relate to your sadness. But self blame to the point of abandoning your values is very concerning. Miscarriages are so common and having a healthy coping mechanism is something I thought was discussed between every couple.

  7. I lost my 18 yr old son. He had a heart defect, he was about to graduate. Losing a child. Changes you forever. But, i believe God wanted him back and I will be with him again. Prayers out to you. I know this is an old video but it's the first time I'm watchiing it. I just want to tell you both, I'm sorry for your loss

  8. Its okay to cry man. Any man who cares is gonna cry. And anyone who doesn't is heartless. Not only do I love your channel but I genuinely care about your path in life. Keep your head up man. Much love

  9. Me and my fiancé are about to have our first daughter. I feel for you brother I’ve been a fan of the channel for years, I never really knew what this kinda stuff might feel like until I found out I’m going to be a father. I know how it feels to want to give up or just believe everything’s fucked, but you’ve done amazing things for people and have helped so many myself included when I first got out I watched your videos and they really helped me a lot. I would give anything to be able to help you back :/ please keep your head up and I hope you both are doing good. I’m sorry for just commenting after all this time in case it re opens wounds but I didn’t feel I had any right to comment until I know what it’s like to be expecting a baby. I know you’re very popular and big but I’m always here if you need a friend

  10. So sorry to hear that joe, such a tragic thing to happen to both of you I hope you learn to cope with your loss and move forward and try again. RIP little baby joe. Hope your next try has more sucess. Very sorry for your loss.

  11. Hey Joe. I just watched this video for the first time. I know I am 1 year late but man. This was incredibly sad to see you deal with. I am so very sorry you had to go through this. From what I know dealing with a baby going away is one of the most traumatizing things one will ever go through. But just know that you are a great man, with a Big heart and that God loves you very much. Keep pushing Joe. We all love you very much!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  12. Aww, dude.
    My heart could not hurt more for you if you were my very own son and daughter.
    Life is a forge. You are the iron. The hammer blows hurt, but get you stronger. Nothing I can do to make this right, but love you all the same. Both of you.

  13. If we only knew then what we know now… fuk rabbit!! that's selfish piece of s*** has been getting in the way from the beginning. If he was any type of real man he would have a debit card or Joe cajuste cash at the money to him., but then again he would have smoked it all Stop. Or shot it in his arm. And f*** Danny to that piece of s***. Joe needs to do better with the people he surrounds himself with. They are lost causes. But Joe's heart was just too big for that. I don't think there's any perfect way to help a junkie, you always get it right in the ass in the end. these assholes have never licked a stamp to pay a bill and their entire life

  14. Hey man GOD works in mysterious ways, I know a lot of times in a situation like this it makes you question life itself and if GOD is real how could he allow this to happen.. and you may never be able to discover the rhyme or reason but I can assure you GOD doesn’t make mistakes and your blessings will come as sure as the sun rises in the eastern horizon day after day… prayers for you and yours! Keep that chin up!

  15. Brother I hv been through this twice b4. Now my old lady is 19weeks pregnant and everything is going good. As fucked up as it is everything happens for some reason.

  16. Joe, I know this video is two years old and it’s absolutely heartbreaking. Don’t give up on in vitro. I know it’s expensive but it’s definitely worth it because he would both make great parents. You’ve came so far and deserve the world. I’m sure I’m not the only fan that has recommended this but please start a go fund me so everyone can donate for you to try the process again. I started watching your videos a few weeks ago from the newest but then I switched and started at the oldest and I’ve made it this far.

  17. Yo, that’s happened to me or I should say that’s happened to my ex when I was with her and man…. that happens a lot! We eventually did have a kid but it’s just a roll of the dice man… nothing wrong that anyone did or didn’t do. Some pregnancies work out and some don’t. And again that happens to lots of woman. It’s not karma it’s not god it’s not because anyone did anything wrong. It’s because something just biologically went wrong with the pregnancy. No worries bro just keep hitting it raw and eventually you’ll knock her up get a kid.

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