The Murder of Laci Peterson: Finale Sneak Peek l Premieres September 19 l A&E

The Murder of Laci Peterson: Finale Sneak Peek l Premieres September 19 l A&E

#MurderOfLaci is a six-episode series that takes a fresh look at the Scott Peterson trial to deliver a definitive factual account through unprecedented access and interviews from those closest to the case including Scott Peterson. In the series finale new theories emerge in the wake of the verdict condemning Scott to lethal injection.

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27 thoughts on “The Murder of Laci Peterson: Finale Sneak Peek l Premieres September 19 l A&E

  1. The Lacey sighting witnesses had all seen lacy in a white sweater top and black spandex pants, supposedly that day on Christmas Eve 2002. When Lacy's remains were found in the bay a few months later , she was wearing tan pants and a white sweater top. That's why I think Gallegros didn't use this as evidence in Scott's defense, in court. It would of shown that the witnesses got their days mixed up or saw some one else that morning; who was pregnant walking their dog discrediting what ever they actually saw that Christmas Eve morning.

  2. Something just wasn't right with this case from the beginning. As his appellate attorney said the jury didnt get the complete picture of what happened. There's no real forensic evidence here it's all circumstantial. Yes Scott is a liar and a cheater but there is so much reasonable doubt here.

  3. I wish this horse faced cow would disappear and her lying cheating murdering brother in law would just be executed already. Scott Peterson is a waste of time, energy and money.

  4. 11 people see laci walking the dog when she and the baby were suppose to be dead in the boat and no evidence was found anywhere other then the one cement made anchor that was used to anchor the boat.

  5. The mailman ‘evidence’ really proves nothing
    Unless he has some kind of contemporaneous note that the dog was not there on that date
    All the ‘proof’ he has is that he delivered the mail at a certain time

  6. This is Geragos’ fault. He should have called the dog to testify

  7. How are you going to lock the inside lock of a gate from the outside? The neighbor said she closed the gate, nothing about locking it. The wind or the way the gate was constructed could have caused the gate to open.

  8. It's like the flat earth conspiracists. How can we try to shoot holes through a slam dunk conviction? They cannot explain away the overwhelming circumstantial evidence, or why Scott kept driving 90 MILES to the water to check it out. Or his LIES.

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