Tattooing In Jail with what..?

Tattooing In Jail with what..?

In this video, I get a chance to film with Tom again and hear more about his last time being locked up. He shares with us how he passed the time and what extradition was like being transported with locked up from one state to another. Then Tom shares with me about tattooing with something I have never heard of before… Hope you enjoy. For more on Tom, check out the links below:

Tom on Facebook:
Most recent video with Tom:
A Lack of Love After Lock up:

Other Videos to check out!
Why I went to prison FULL STORY:
How tattooing saved my life in prison:
How to TALK like a PRISONER:
10 Ways To Cook Ramen Noodles In Prison:
5 Myths about Prison:

For business inquiries:


29 thoughts on “Tattooing In Jail with what..?

  1. Tom seems like he’s always putting on an act, or should I say “frontin’” because this is After Prison Show?😂

  2. 🌻

  3. What up Joe been a subscriber for a long time, well versed if u may. Still think u r the goat of the genre. "My biggest mistake, talking youtube in A bar" then everythibg else which he did confirm thatbin his no jump interview. Anyways im glad u r back.

  4. Hey Joe!! Been following your channel since you started! Seen all the ups & all the Downs! I just wanted to drop a comment, saying I'm proud of you, from one stranger to another!

    Sending love and blessings! God bless. 🙌🏻

    Edit: typo

  5. Great seeing Tom again. I hope he becomes a regular here on APS. In case if you are wondering, those planes are US Navy E-2 Hawkeye which are designed to detect aircraft, ships, vehicles, missiles and other incoming projectiles at long ranges.

  6. Great video👍

  7. You inspired me to quit smoking cigarettes and I'm starting to workout to better myself thank you for all the years of wisdom Joe 💪🏼💯💪🏼

  8. I'm glad to see u doing what u did best at the height of aps and glad u run into an old aquantins yea your business maybe struggling but maybe this is something like the universe giving u new opportunities to do what you have been wanting to do or have been hoping to do

  9. My cousin, Tony, is a gang leader. He has a gang tattoo on his cheek that was made with a hollowed out chicken bone and some melted down chess pieces. He was in prison for 8 months on a DUI charge. He was caught sleeping in his car in the bar parking lot with his keys in his pocket. Make sure you put your keys in the trunk y’all.

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