Shannon Got DENIED For An Apartment…

Shannon Got DENIED For An Apartment…

In this video, we get an update with Shannon and she is trying to get an apartment. But she just recently got denied for one. How hard is it to get an apartment after prison? Shannon seems to be a perfect example of how hard it can be. And also she shares with us a pretty crazy prison story. Hope you enjoy.

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28 thoughts on “Shannon Got DENIED For An Apartment…

  1. Shannon is cute as always, why is She trying to get approved for an apartment, I have a couple of extra bedrooms in My house, She could have Her own bathroom, access to the kitchen and Her own entry/exit.
    I would love to have Her as a girlfriend.

  2. Dope painting! 🎨

  3. Hey Joe just wanted say hey and hope all's well farewell Danny happy for Shannon get r done darlin great job head high prayers and God bless 🙏🙏🙏

  4. Maybe if Shannon went in person to get an application she would have a better chance. If they could see her in person and talk to her maybe that would help her chance. If she explained how she just needs a chance to prove herself & how she's working almost everyday & taking that class to get her license. Sometimes people are more willing to help when they can see you in person. Worth a try

  5. I do hope Shannon can find a place soon. She has been working her butt off. 💪 so much that we never even get to see her!

  6. Feel for ya Shannon. It sounds like USA as bad as UK for driving and taking money for old rope. Got to do it tho and pay the man. Good luck to you! ✌

  7. There's also wine on the counter. I'm on paper, and no lie, I drink because I'm an addict and there's no testing for alcohol unless it's a 16 panel test. There's a breathalyzer but that's only if you drank in the last like, 6-8 hours.

  8. Never answer a question with a negative answer on an application. Write “will discuss”.

  9. Keep up the good work Shannon! I know it’s rough but you have come so far already. Keep your head up girl! You got this! Plus the perfect apartment is coming your way very soon! Have faith!

  10. Shannon has put on a few pounds, and gotten her brows done! Looking sweet 😘😍


  12. I had viewed the one of Shannon being in Her new place was happy even liked all the things she had gotten kind of restored my faith in humanity. back in the 80's I was driving with a half ass friend who tossed a joint on the floorboard of my truck when i was pulled over for a running a yellow light. long story short I was charged with the joint charge was dropped because i had no prior never had a ticket the cop forgot about the yellow light and just arrested and had my trucked towed. I was required to go to a drug program cost like 50 bucks back then 5 meetings. First meeting was held in a basement of a state building in Richmond. Lots of folding chairs lined the wall the hippy girl running the show wanted us a bunch of adults to sit in a semi circle on the floor like we were in kindergarten. I was like fuck this and got a chair after I did so did everyone else lol. Its a racket for sure.

  13. shannon there are multiple functional cookers too you can bake broil pressure cook slow cook sous vide steam air fry and even sauté my husband got me the instant pot duo crisp for my birthday it is simply amazing

  14. Joe you should feature more women! I love following Shannon's story and all the positivity that comes from watching her blossom. 💖

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