Reality show being in shot in Hampton roads right now called “After Prison”

Reality show being in shot in Hampton roads right now called “After Prison”

There’s a new reality show in production right now in Tidewater called “After Prison…” It’s about individuals coming home after prison trying to get their lives back on track… Will they make it..? Will they fail..? You’ll have to check out each episode to see..! Right now, check out a clip from a possible episode…
feel free to hit me( “Joe” the producer and creator of ‘After Prison’) up on all my social media!



Twitter: @JoePGuerrero

Please watch: “AfterPrisonShow: A Transgender Woman’s struggle with Addiction and acceptance.”


29 thoughts on “Reality show being in shot in Hampton roads right now called “After Prison”

  1. I feel like this is where you really bloomed. 😊

  2. I wish I found this channel at the beginning but I’m here now! I totally support everything your about joe from here to 2018 keep rocking!!

  3. Starting from the beginning I subbed awhile ago always planning to start at your beginning. You are already married and in Key West i wish you good health and all the happiness in this world God provides all for his children unconditionally.

  4. Taking a walk down APS memory lane. I’m so proud to have stuck with you guys and to see where you are now. I wish I could pop through the screen to say “Joe, in a few years this show will be huge, you will meet so many awesome people and help so many others, you will have a boat, a licence, the car of your dreams and most importantly, you will be married to your soulmate”. Just goes to show if anyone puts their mind to it, they can ride the waves and they can achieve!

  5. Hi, I’m going back and hitting LIKE👍🏼 on every video Joe has ever made 😂
    Dude is a straight hustler! Deserves everything that’s heading his way and more!

  6. Hey mate as a bloke that has battled with IVF I'd like to offer you 10 of our frozen fertilised eggs.
    We spent 7 years and over $200,000 to have our two children. But we now have 10 eggs left that we won't use. I would be more than happy to send them to USA. I am Australian so there will be some expense. But I know the battle and we would be happy to try and help your battle.
    Love your work

  7. Amazing! It's all in the attitude!! We have to always give life a smile. Even if we are in the darkest point of our life. 🙂🙏✝️

  8. I started with a recommended vid that came up. Now I just went to the beginning of ur channel I'm gonna watch it all. I've only done 38 days in county and I still feel like this is something I need to watch and learn the story of ppl. From the little bit I've seen so far prison needs to change. It's punishment yes I understand but there ppl that's gonna go nuts in there more than wats deserved from the sentence. At least try to help keep ppl sane while they do their time. There's probably better way to word this but I figured u would understand. Good luck with life and stay on the straight path. U got this!!!

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