Random Prisoner Visit Update: Brittany – Car Mod Pros Portal

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Why I went to prison FULL STORY: https://youtu.be/7ECgj1NzG_8
How tattooing saved my life in prison: https://youtu.be/SkKQHbFBmH0
How to TALK like a PRISONER: https://youtu.be/EAnTkMCEVDk
10 Ways To Cook Ramen Noodles In Prison: https://youtu.be/CAZuyscGGNU
My FIRST day in PRISON: https://youtu.be/57cxNR4WFEU
5 Myths about Prison: https://youtu.be/6Lh3Q2iE8js

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By carmodpros


37 thoughts on “Random Prisoner Visit Update: Brittany”
  1. For anyone that judged this girl off the top needs to take a look into the mirror bro. Never judge someone over something in the newspaper. Get to know em first ya douche 😂

  2. Yes, I agree that went really well. You are very good at just accepting people non judgmentally and moving the conversation forward. I liked seeing how kind you were to her despite the horrific nature of her charges. She is human and she isn't the person she was five years ago. I wish her all the best.

  3. Something iffy with that case to get such serious charges both only get such small time. No broken bones in sweetwater with multiple xrays and CT but they find them in Salt Lake? Giving narcan but finding no drugs in system? I just dunno.

  4. Hey joe you should try and incorporate your old outro in the video calls somehow I think it’ll help then keep there heads up

  5. See plea deal one would have to read the legal documents to see how they got railroaded to only serve such small time the rest suspended the judge must have had issues with some of the evidence.

  6. It's pretty shocking what happened but not so shocking that when there's drugs involved… abuse of someone is almost guaranteed in that situation. Sad it was the child.

  7. Joe, you really need to write down cliff notes about these poeple that you can quickly reference while speaking to them. I think it would help you keep things clear.

  8. Great great great job with your style of carrying this touchy conversation brother I hope you know you did that one very well. Concise and eloquent are the words of the day lol

  9. She don't make sense, she was pregnant with daughter from guy from Nevada when met Justin, and had son with Justin? Who abused her daughter? Who got adopted? But he still has their son? She picks up her son wtf? From a dude who has child abuse charges?

  10. No way the state will plea down to that minimal amount of actual time for such serious charges if they have a solid case. Plus they had public defenders who never want to fight anything cos are in cahoots with the prosecutors. Would love to read the case files and evidence I think serious holes in evidence in this.

  11. She had a completely different demeanor straight out the gate this time. She looked extremely worried about what Joe might be asking now that he had more knowledge on her case.

  12. I’d take my babies to a homeless shelter before I stayed somewhere they were endangered. That’s her biggest lifetime job, taking care of her children and their safety. She did do the right thing by allowing her adoption.

  13. And some may say it would seem a little shady if Joe would send her man a visit request and only tell her it happened on a follow up video. Since were all emotionally invested we can get a little more insight to the bad charges.

  14. her mistake was staying there bc she had nowhere to go…fuck that…if my child was exposed to danger every day I would figure something out no matter what

  15. Heck joe you becoming a real interesting interviewer congrats 💪💪💪💪💪💪

  16. She stays talking about the "Indiana girl" called her 'crazy" and everything els, but still talks to her. This chick is a snake and puts all the blame on the dude. She's definitely not one to trust. Definitely not around a child.

  17. You’re actually therapy for a few of these people. Things happen for a reason Joe. Keep up the positivity!

  18. Get as far away from this crazy loser chick as you can Joe. This is not a good look and it’s sickening

  19. That narcan comment just revealed everything to me… That baby got to either his or her stash , and in the panic they were shaking the baby trying to wake her up. She lyin that baby had a hot urine for sure. The baby was at that point Over Dosed on an opioid , likely heroin considering her prior admissions . Yep , don’t take a Doc to see what happened here. Narcan only works for one thing DOPE. She is just a typical unfit addict , do I think she is a killer abuser/monster , naw. Homeboy probably hit himself and passed out and the baby started playing with his paraphernalia , and no need to say the rest. She walks in or was there already , either way they are both responsible for this negligence. Saying you have no where to go is bullshit you could have went to any emergency shelter for domestic crisis. She chose to stay there because it was a roof , and some dude paying for or aiding her in supporting her habit . PLUS there is a reason he only got a year and she got smoked, Nuf sed. She is a sociopath, clearly very sick 🤕 .

  20. The baby was overdosing, they tried to shake her awake and ended up hurting her. Narcan only works in You have opiates in your system. Nothing else. She knows exactly what happened. I wanna send her hate mail but not gonna…

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