Parking Wars: Full Episode – Your License is Not Recognized Here (S2, E23) | A&E

Parking Wars: Full Episode – Your License is Not Recognized Here (S2, E23) | A&E

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A tourist battles to get his car released from the lot, a deliveryman unloads his anger on ticket-writer Danielle, and Elissa and Rob give a couples night out the boot in Season 2, Episode 23. #ParkingWars
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28 thoughts on “Parking Wars: Full Episode – Your License is Not Recognized Here (S2, E23) | A&E

  1. If the israeli guy was a tourist, how did he register and insure the car? I thought you need a in state address, one that shows that you live here, in order to get one? If he's just a tourist with a valid drivers license from another country so he can rent a car but how does that allow to purchase one?

  2. Wow they really talked to that Israeli man like he was dumb, like clearly there’s a bit of a language barrier, be patient and EXPLAIN, don’t roll your eyes and talk to him like he’s stupid

  3. “We need someone who will drive the car all the way home with a valid US license”

    Switches to the driver seat in the parking lot and does exactly what they were trying to avoid

  4. PPA….worst of the worst

  5. Notice the lady behind the counter say you need a license from “anyone from the 51 states”. AND she criticizes the Israeli guy? She’s fits the typical person you DON’T need working there! And she’s a supervisor?

  6. Elissa is a true red head. Rude, Aggressive & power hungry.
    She’s so condescending & acts like a “know it all”. News flash smarty pants. You may know all of the laws and idiosyncrasies about booting and towing but the average Joe does not, so you need to stop acting like you are Miss “I know everything about everything.”
    A little bit of kindness & compassion goes along way. You will find that if you stop spewing negativity and vinegar, people will be much more kind with you.

  7. Uneducated cop..should have said US 50 states and her territories' , to be correct. It is up to the 'tourist' to be up on the law pertaining to the particular instance, not up to any one else to tell him. I went to England researched how to rent/drive a car etc long before I got ticket for plane. Consequences on you for not knowing.

  8. That lady cop don't know that foreign DL permit are permitted to Drive in US – allows all times when renting cars. She low-key profiling against him & sounds ignorant af

  9. You can drive with a foreign driver’s license in the USA for up to 3 months. Same problem happened to me at the DMV and people work the are so stupid they all were like robots 🤖 sayin no you can’t. After showing them the Law they still were like no. It’s frustrating. They need to be trained!

    If he’s not allowed to drive then how was he able to rent a car? That police office is so dumb

  10. So the Black guy offered to drive the Israeli man home and the cop says no. Another Black guy offered to drive the Israeli man home, cop still says no. The white dude offers to drive him home, the cop allows it. I wonder why?

  11. That lady doesn't know what she is talking about. He can legally drive in the States with an Israeli driver's license. She doesn't know the law, or how many states there are. She made him go through all of that when he should have been allowed to retrieve his car himself. It's as though she wanted to give him a hard time. He should have asked for her supervisor.

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