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Christa’s OCD prevents her from eating most foods for fear they are contaminated. To ease her anxiety, she spends hours in front of the mirror with a pair of tweezers in Season 1, Episode 7 “Christa / Ryan”. #Obsessed
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“Obsessed” examines the anxiety of individuals suffering from extreme obsessive-compulsive disorders, capturing their radically affected home lives, the incredible emotion of therapy, and their courageous attempts to defeat their debilitating conditions.
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Tune in to Celebrity Ghost Stories, Wednesdays at 10/9c, and stay up to date on all of A&E's premieres at aetv.com/schedule
I like how shes so concerned with dirt on her skin or mold spores on steak, but smokes cigarettes. Oh ok.
Ok but kissing the dog like that is not a ritual. It’s perfection.
And for reasons I will never understand, Ryan and his wife thought having a child would be a good idea?
I know this is way off topic, but I just love Christa's hair cut. I may have to show this to my hair stylist!
I believe Krista was on meth. I have my reasons. That's why treatment didn't work for her. Aaand… I kiss my dog like that all the time and I'm not gonna stop.
Poor Buddy not getting his kisses
Aw, her mom is the sweetest. Taking her hand and holding it to her face. That is a mothers love.
why can't a person kiss their dog a million times?
One of my oldest friends was married to a man who hid symptoms of OCD from her while they dated and once they were married, he let the wall fall down and she discovered he had SEVERE OCD that only escalated after they lived together and he was also diagnosed later with schizophrenia. He basically kept her captive for like 8 years and refused to allow her to have anything to do with anyone outside of their home. There were times that they didn't leave the house for a year straight and they lived with his mother who allowed this behavior to go on because it put his focus on my friend and made her the one who had to deal with him 24/7. He forced her to complete his rituals or he would get very angry and abusive. Watching shows like this really is a window into a fragment of what she lived through for years and it makes my stomach turn.
I don't remember a lot of things from my earlier years but i remember seeing him on MTV's True Life lol
Awww, I was really hoping Christa was going to make it. I hope she's doing well after the show.
She doesn’t understand him obviously if he wanted to stop he would why would he do that on purpose
I totally understand kissing your dog 12 times before leaving for work.
her worst OCD is dating a guy with ear gauges
Why doesn’t Chrisa not eat meat? She seems to worry a lot about meat
Can we make a note of the Akira Yamaoka style background music 🎶?
I like it.
Pretty sus to be sleeping in until noon, whining about anxiety, not eating anything but junk food, picking your face…. so many red flags. Poor Shawn.
Wasn't this guy on true life?
iliterally do the exact same thing as this guy except the bathroom routine lol
That therapist could have picked a better looking eating buffet bar! I enjoy food and that looked gross! The food was at the bottom of the bins yuck! Poor Crista!
The therapists who work with OCD patients are AMAZING!! Their patience and their ability to help their clients overcome is super inspiring! They are helping their clients change their lives in such positives ways. â¤ï¸ÂÂÂÂâ¤ï¸ÂÂÂÂâ¤︠42:13
The guy was on TruLife years ago.
He must have very clean teeth lol
Finding veins in food is gross…like when you eat Libby's canned corned beef.
Y'all need to have the counselors do regular meeting with these people and continue treating them for atleast 1-2 years after they overcome their compulsions. You can't just set up a drug addict to get clean then remove their support systems. It's the same way with ocd. Christa even said she didn't want him to leave, and was still not fully recovered. It's no wonder she regressed. C'mon y'all. Think a little bit. This is people's mental health.
She smoking a joint?