No One Showed Up For Work Today…

No One Showed Up For Work Today…

In this video, Dave is at a Doctors appointment. Cody is sick. And all of the cleaners for the cleaning company called out as well. So not only do I have to hold it down on my own with the videos. I have to help my manager of the cleaning business get a job done. I decided to combine the two. And make a video of what we do with our cleaning business and also to get a taste of the action myself. Maybe we should do an AfterPrisonShow Undercover Boss? Hope you enjoy!

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32 thoughts on “No One Showed Up For Work Today…

  1. Hope your Wednesday has been great APS! Today we had to go bid some jobs for the cleaning company. BIG JOBS!!! These are going to allow me to put folks to work!!! Problem is what happens when EVERYONE CALLS OUT SICK!?!? Wait till you see these upcoming jobs. Thats later this week. But yall…. WHAT IF WE DID AN AFTERPRISONSHOW UNDERCOVER BOSS???? Oh… that would be something. Should we do it???

  2. In Canada we charge 70 per hour. 2 people crew, all supplies. 1 person on windows, dusting and some vacuuming the second person on other things. Move out/ move in jobs cost more. Individuals with own supplies charge around $20-30 per hr. Idk the rates in the states but you can make $$$ with right pay structure

  3. Gah I remember when he used to have a little scooter to get himself around and now he owns a bussiness and a nice truck youre an example for all those that got out saying they cant find a job or get straith in life

  4. This is exactly why employees are given x number of sick days per year, with a warning given when they are one sick day away from reaching the limit. Once they reach their limit they are terminated.Setting up a system of calling with a story should never be used. The stories will never end, and a false impression is created in the minds of the employees
    when you accept an excuse, of the slate being wiped clean. Instead, it needs to be known that the employee with 3 absences created an imposition upon the company and their coworkers that will be taken into consideration at times when raises are being given out or when business slows to the point that someone will need to be layed off. It is important for this to be done because otherwise, when an employee skips out on the group and imposes a lot of extra work on the others, they go home thinking that they are owed, especially after this happens to them ttime after time. So then they skip out one day when they will enjoy an exta day off and the others are slammed by the workload, and the cycle is perpetuated. For this reason it is very important to avoid employing friends and relatives whenever possible, and only allow one person to have access to and control over the money. If any of this sounds too strick for maintaining these relationships you are observing the proof of what I am describing about business. It can't be based upon a system of favors or it will always be off balance with the focus centering upon taking back for ever increasing impositions instead of everyone fosusing equally upon giving to the group effort, fairly. So, name the number of allowable sick days. And you don't have to give sick days with pay! It is just a limit, beyond which they lose their job or are downgraded to lower psy, hours and responsibilities.,And if they know they will need more flexability , even if only emporarily (and you are willing,), you can give them a reduced workload, schedule, or an on-call role, with work on an "as-available" status. If you start them on that reduced status, they can show you they are up to the task of being a worker with the full respinsibilities by acing that and they trying out full status work on trial. This way you can always have others working at reduced status (and reduced workload) who are wanting a slot for a full work. This creates competitiob and makes people not want to lose their job to someone else who is in line and wanting a full time schedule. See how this can take care of itself? Use the high demand for jobs to your advantage

  5. The vacuuming part remind anyone else of the old geektofreak lawn mowing videos? It was the sound being cut out other then the music, I was just waiting for joe to stripe the carpet. I guess the edger/trimmer in this case is the broom for the baseboards… lol

  6. Keep at it my man. Had a small business, was the hardest thing I ever did….. And I was a high school teacher and in the military! LoL Owning is FOR REAL WORK! Stay positive. Love the inspiration and compassion you spread with your channel. Thank you. -BP

  7. I own a small cleaning business and do all the work myself. IT IS HARD WORK, VERY HARD. A good job takes time and effort. When a client asks me why do I take so long to get the work done, I politely tell them that I'm doing two weeks worth of cleaning in one day😬 (3 hrs minimum depending on square footage). That's just for my regulars😬 Most ppl think house cleaning is easy work but not willing to clean it themselves😉

  8. Let's do it bruhhhhhh!!!!! I would much rather work my ass off in the free world then spend another day in prison. I only had a baby bid but that 18 months was enough for me. Plus i could fit my apartment in your livingroom so head up cuz!!! You doing a lottttttt better then most ppl.

  9. Hey Joe you came to my house a while ago, to interview my son Garrett , about getting stabbed in the face. Just wanted to let you know I'm looking for work I'm his, mom have 18 yrs experience in cleaning. My name is Kelley Lightcap ,# 949- 7591.please let me know if you need help!

  10. Hey Joe I run a cleaning service if you want some pro tips hmu . I gotcha covered from the type of toilet bowl cleaner and brush to use to the vacuums that work best for perfect lines and durability.

  11. Get off the gas Joe ur a craigslist cleaning crew at best. Ur prolly making 550.00 a unit. Talk to me when ur owed 192k just in change orders. And another 79k just on a retainer from the orginal contract. I'm owed over a quarter million at the moment so relax. With that ish. An I'll give u a little tip get u some Mexicans. Thank me later. And i did 4 years in Ramsey unit in Texas. And I'm only 29. I'm on track to be a millionaire (that means multiple millions) in 1 year. So yeah

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