My Concerns About Rabbit (Is he staying clean?)

My Concerns About Rabbit (Is he staying clean?)

Today I’m going to go see Rabbit and see how he’s been. I’ll be honest, I have some concerns about how he is really doing after going through detox. And I hope that he is staying clean. But I have some doubts. Today I’m going to see if we can get some proof one way or another.

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50 thoughts on “My Concerns About Rabbit (Is he staying clean?)

  1. I once had to deliver a urine sample for some medical tests. As soon as I peed in the plastic jar and closed the lid, jar turned slightly foggy (because the urine was warm). Here the container remained clear. Weird.

  2. 41:34 lols…. have at it brotha 😌🤣

  3. Rabbit went and copped a bundle before this video even uploaded. He’s a lifer.

  4. Joe you are 100% in your right to ask Rabbit to take the test! He's part of the show. Happy he took it. Good job Rabbit! I've been there and life gets better by the day. Patience is scarce with addicts

  5. Ya know at first I was confused why everyone said rabbit was acting so cocky and like everyone owed him somthing. Then when he said to see the results everyone should give him 100$ I saw the change jesus. If this is what rabbit is like sober. Then it's not much better

  6. This proved nothing. It tested for morphine derivative opiates. Fentanyl doesn’t derive from morphine, it’s completely synthetic.

  7. Judging by the color of his pee he is dehydrated as fuck 😂

  8. He’s STILL on the dope. You caught him on a clean day. Opiates flush out in 2-3 days. You can see by his THIRSTY personality he is still using, just part time now. Give him 30 days and he’ll be on it at 100%. If he wasn’t using he would have been PROUD and NEVER accepted your $100 offer. He is sooooo thirsty, he TRIED to get Joes subscribers to kick up $100 each, as well. THIRSTY.

  9. Cut him off joe! This man was coughing, and making all kinds of noises while taking the test. This man was opening up with tea bottle. 😂 quit giving a recent junkie money too. That’s setting him up for failure. He played you joe, move on man. Look at the comments. NO ONE likes this dude no more! 🤦🏻‍♂️👎🏼

  10. It does take much to get a chip .They call out for whoever has a month clean two months three and so on .they dont check you have to be completely honest with yourself and the meetings

  11. I know what you’re going through Rabbit! Addiction isn’t going anywhere it’s lifelong. It’s all about managing the disease in the way that is best for you. Good Luck to you Rabbit, and I hope you beat this!

  12. How is 🐰 doin now hope reading the comments everybody say it's tea but I don't know I hope he's doing good like rabbit said one day at a time best of luck to you

  13. Why upload this? For money duh . He could have recorded but not uploaded just for proof in the future. This is not good for rabbit he can be harrassed or people may treat him bad for what you have protrayed him to be

  14. Joe should ask Rabbit if Joe himself got back on drugs would Rabbit still come around him? That answer would tell it all and I’m thinking he would help Joe do them

  15. I’ve not seen a video of Rabbit in 6 months but this is not the same acting person. Wow!

  16. Hope he stays on the right track. I have had my share of addiction from 16 yo 26 yo now and just got clean from IV use for 8 years go to the methadone clinic now and almost getting out of that. I'm very thankful for life today. Much love Joe from VA also 35 min from Charlotsville

  17. CONGRATULATIONS 🐇 I knew you got it boe!!!!!!!!! Always ROCKED WITH YA SINCE DAY ONE!!!!

  18. I'm reading through most of these comments. He's not being serious about the 100 bucks that he says he wants from the viewers. He's just a very sarcastic guy. He's being him. He always was a smart ass. Joe can offer him a hundred bucks. Thats his choice. I'ts no secret that if you give a drug addict money, there is a huge chance he, or she will use. However, he did piss clean, and he can make the choice to use that 100 bucks towards what he needs! (OR NOT) Everybody commenting on this video is smart enough to see that the guy is broke. I don't think he's being cocky. I think he's just being him. Regardless, his "cockiness" doesn't hurt MY feelings. This is just my opinion. Be easy people!

  19. I can’t pee on command good thing I don’t do drugs

  20. joe just made sure rabbit getting high tonight , no one just acts like a crazed addict and junkie , this man been getting high and only reason he sober hen joe showed up
    is cause he probabbly been broke after a binge and now has no momey .

  21. If being cocky is helping him stay clean then more power to him… Cocky and clean is way better than humble and using.

  22. So if you make up your mind you're not going to use drugs you're not going to use drugs anymore That's not right It's more than that It's a lot bigger than that If it was that easy you'd have a lot less drug addicts cuz nobody wants to be a drug addict. Sorry Joe sorry rabbit but that's b*******. Takes a lot of hard work that's why they have meetings there's more to it than just that.

  23. Joe I'll send you $150 if you drink that you'll make $50 on the deal. Ugh 😩😫.lol

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