Live PD: You Reek (Season 4) | A&E

Live PD: You Reek (Season 4) | A&E

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An officer pulls over a car for speeding and immediately smells weed in the vehicle. The driver ultimately admits to hiding the drugs in his crotch in this clip from “11.9.19”. #LivePD
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In-studio host, ABCs Dan Abrams, alongside analyst Tom Morris Jr., guide viewers through the night, giving insight to what audiences see in real time (via a mix of dash cams, fixed rig and handheld cameras), bouncing minute-by-minute between the featured police departments and offering an inside look at each live incident.

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32 thoughts on “Live PD: You Reek (Season 4) | A&E

  1. "Man, we go through this all the time, Martinez." Welll, let's see…. who;s fault is that, that you get pulled over a lot???? It's NOT the police who is breeaking the law, IT"S YOU!!! You should be THANKFUL the POLICE did not arrest you… You should thank him!!!! Own up to your own ACTIONS! STOP breaking the law. At least he was resptectful and didn't use the RACE CARD… kudos for that

  2. “I don’t reek like weed”. 2 seconds later, pulls 2 ounces of dank out! Lmao

  3. :56 you can here yb talking with them in the car y’all 🙀🙀


  5. He foldeddd they already searched his 🍆 he could got away smh

  6. The word “reek” has lost all its meaning after watching this.

  7. Martinez need to get a baldy 😆🤦🏽‍♂️

  8. Lmfao every Floridian hoodlum sounds exactly the same. If they all had mask you’d not be able to tel whose who

  9. the yb playing in the back 😂😂

  10. So stupid how possession of weed varies from state to state. I’ve been taken to jail in Louisiana and I had 14 grams, and they slapped an intent to distribute and manufacture on me as well.

  11. You mean to tell me we're still arresting people for marijuana in this country???? TRAGIC!!!!!!😤😤😤😤😤

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