Live PD: Teen vs. Telephone Pole | A&E

Live PD: Teen vs. Telephone Pole | A&E

An officer responds to a call about an accident involving a telephone pole cut in half by a vehicle in this clip from “6.3.2017”. #LivePD

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Live PD
Season 1
Episode 42

On “Live PD,” ABC’s Dan Abrams and Dallas Police Department Detectives Rich Emberlin and Kevin Jackson offer insight and commentary as live cameras capture the work of a mix of urban and rural police forces around the country on a typical Friday night.

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24 thoughts on “Live PD: Teen vs. Telephone Pole | A&E

  1. Momma got his back 💯%

    💯% he ain’t getting another car

  2. Gahdammm when mom showed up, it’s a extra wrap

  3. Overprotective? Her kid was speeding hit a light pole, had no license. The word is OVERindulged!!! In my family we had to buy our own car, car insurance and gas. Taught us REsponsibility…..

  4. cops know better mfk was staring at the ground when the Latina mom was talking to him nothings scarier than a latina mom😂😂😂

  5. Lil uzi playin in the car is a must he was jamming out😂

  6. If you buy a vehicle for your child BEFORE they have their driver’s license, the keys go in the safe or are with the parents at all times. We found a brilliant vehicle for our daughters before they got their licenses. They never even touched the car. It was treated as our weapons are. Touch them and it’s a one way trip to the police station. We never wavered on rules. That’s how you lose credibility as a parent and this happens! Once home, that kid is going to wish for a jail cell! Well done Mum!

  7. Don't buy a sports car start with a bicycle 😁

  8. I feel bad for the kid… I did a similar thing when I was 16. 5 weeks after I bought my first car, into a tree. I definitely learned my lesson on that one, I hope this kid did too.

  9. They was bumpin Uzi 😈‼️

  10. Mans was bumpin uzi 😂😂😂

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