Live PD: Kids These Days (Season 2) | A&E

Live PD: Kids These Days (Season 2) | A&E

Officers in El Paso, TX locate a missing juvenile with an ankle monitor and find that he is in possession of illegal narcotics in this clip from “03.09.18”. #LivePD
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Live PD
Season 2
Episode 39

On “Live PD,” ABC’s Dan Abrams and Dallas Police Department Detectives Rich Emberlin and Kevin Jackson offer insight and commentary as live cameras capture the work of a mix of urban and rural police forces around the country on a typical Friday night.

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39 thoughts on “Live PD: Kids These Days (Season 2) | A&E

  1. Growing up my eldest brother was in a gang and would bring random individuals to our home and I’d see all type of illegal stuff happening, drugs, guns and lots of blood. I’m really grateful that I grew up without ever going down that path.

  2. whenever there's a punk kid on these episodes… there's never a dad at home 🤔

  3. Good cop. He cares. I'm grateful for having grown up in the country, swimming in ponds, playing in the woods, playing touch football, free until dinner. It must be so crappy to be trying to grow up in a city…

  4. Oh…… gawd….. lol. He probably took it from her lol

  5. Mom finna go inside look for her crack she had hidden in the back of the dresser 😂😂🤣⚰⚰

  6. I mean at 13 I was as bad as him but he stupid for the face tattoo wouldn’t ever did it always was getting them on my arms and shii bruh remind me of a younger me

  7. The problem is the kid evidently doesn't have a dad or a father figure in his life. And that sad truth will repeat itself when he either becomes a deadbeat dad himself or is incarcerated for most (if not all) of his life with a young kid of his own on the outside…and the cycle will last for a long, long time.

  8. He thinks he is tough be he is a few miles from Juarez and he won’t be tough if one of those gangs or cartels run up on him.

  9. Man hes 13 😭 What chance to these kids have 💔

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