Live PD: In Need of Narcan (Season 3) | A&E

Live PD: In Need of Narcan (Season 3) | A&E

During a traffic stop, an officer realizes that one of occupants in the car is overdosing on drugs in this clip from “11.17.18”. #LivePD
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“As the debate over the policing of America continues to be a part of the daily conversation across the nation, Live PD viewers get unfettered and unfiltered live access inside a variety of the countrys busiest police forces, both urban and rural, and the communities they patrol on a typical night. Viewers are encouraged to post their comments about what they witness throughout the night on Facebook and Twitter.

In-studio host, ABCs Dan Abrams, alongside analyst Tom Morris Jr., guide viewers through the night, giving insight to what audiences see in real time (via a mix of dash cams, fixed rig and handheld cameras), bouncing minute-by-minute between the featured police departments and offering an inside look at each live incident.”

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38 thoughts on “Live PD: In Need of Narcan (Season 3) | A&E

  1. So I was in the hospital and I had this doc who gave me, dilauded, morphine and IV benadryl in the span of an hour cause I guess I was really hurting after a procedure or something but I stopped breathing and the nurse just happened to notice. It took 4 or 5 full doses of narcan to get me to breathe on my own
    Mind yall I was like 90 lbs at the time so the amount of stuff she gave me was way over the line
    She just wanted me to shut up cause I was an annoying kid I guess
    Anywho my mom chewed her out and so did my doctor and I haven't seen her since 😅

  2. These cops don’t carry Narcan? Amateurs !

  3. “Let’s not act that way, okay?” Yeah officer, he’s in full control rn

  4. “3 times in one night”

    You might want to give the drugs a rest.

  5. It kills me watching the videos of the people and their drug addiction. It’s so sad what drugs do to you. I hope they get clean and stay clean. Addiction is terrible. They’re just trynna get by.

  6. the cop was very smart to ask if he'd had it before and they knew to give him twice the amount because he's probably become immune to it to an extent.

  7. He’s not overdosing he’s just high on heroin it’s called nodding out they ruined my mans high

  8. The professionalalism, patience and compassion of those police officers, despite him kicking at them… They were calm and carring, did not put him in cuffs till he was okay. They even changed his hand cuffs from the back to the front.

  9. Excellent job officers, you saved a felon, jobless heroin addict. Now he can continue to be a useless drain on society and possibly injure or kill someone to get his next fix. Job well done. You should have just let him OD.

  10. My best friend died of h. My life is forever changed and my spirit is gone. Watching these videos and intervention drives me crazy I wish I had done more

  11. Nice, guys. Dude was not resisting and was in the midst of a life-threatening medical emergency, and you just had to cuff him before sending him off in the ambulance, right? So glad this dangerous criminal is off the street /s

  12. they way that he skipped over meth the second time the cop asked him what he was high off of 😭

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