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After an officer stops a car for failing to signal, the driver’s violations add up quickly in this clip from “12.01.18”. #LivePD
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“As the debate over the policing of America continues to be a part of the daily conversation across the nation, Live PD viewers get unfettered and unfiltered live access inside a variety of the countrys busiest police forces, both urban and rural, and the communities they patrol on a typical night. Viewers are encouraged to post their comments about what they witness throughout the night on Facebook and Twitter.
In-studio host, ABCs Dan Abrams, alongside analyst Tom Morris Jr., guide viewers through the night, giving insight to what audiences see in real time (via a mix of dash cams, fixed rig and handheld cameras), bouncing minute-by-minute between the featured police departments and offering an inside look at each live incident.”
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"Ohhhh theres gonna good ohh there is gonna be more" this dudes about to nut in his pants
Always buy cars with a ton of unknown items in the passenger seat. Who knows, you may be able to find some drugs to sell! Make some extra $$$
At least they found the methamphetamine
Did that officer just low-key admit he one time went to his car to leave, and spotted a baggie of tree he had accidentally forgot to take in the house?!
I like this guy, he just got more than a little relatable lol
If you have a migraine you're not out buying cars and driving around.
That cops just digging around with no gloves and is a professional at eyeballing drugs might I add lmao
2:07 You know that cop felt so goddam smart. He tricked that methhead so good, the next Machiavelli.
It's amazing how many worthless druggies buy vehicles that are full of drugs. I've never even found spare change in a vehicle when I've bought them.
come to Canada and we’ll have a kush sesh, we smoke weed all day and err day
Meth helps with migraines? Who knew…..
Picks up bag of meth with no gloves lol
Reprobate trash stealing from 7-Eleven right in front of me giving me a bad name
Dude- at least put in some gloves when rooting around in her car, and NEVER stick your hands where you can't see. Ewwww!!
2:40 Maybe this isn't the best thing for a cop to admit.
Plot Twist: After she bought the car 3 hours ago she let her boyfriend borrow it and he left all the meth inside. She’s actually a nun
I don’t get why when the police say they found drugs in the car, then ask when the last time they did any, why they say yesterday? How that helping them any?
Cops I salute to you…..But one day drug destroyed great USA . Black and drugs
I don't know what she paid for the car, but if they didn't charge her and gave her all that free meth and weed that was an amazing deal. Most people clean the car out completely before you buy it.
So, she just bought the car TODAY but let someone else borrow it TODAY. Yea, okay.
I wonder if it came with a body in the trunk.
Man, these drug dealers really need to clean out their car before they sell them to unlicensed drivers at 1am so innocent people like her can stop going to jail. Smh…
I'm confused, he believes her when she says she just bought the car today but not about all all the other snuff … oops, I meant stuff?
Who buys a car full of drugs and trash at 2 in the morning??????
Texas probably crucifies people for drug charges man
In Texas? You just ruined your entire life miss.
Look how small that baggie is lol What year is this lol 😂
Texas is gonna be the last place to legalize marijuana there all kinda 1 step below the evolutionary chart then the rest of the country
He searched her car without gloves 🥴