Live PD: Get Off My Wall (Season 2) | A&E

Live PD: Get Off My Wall (Season 2) | A&E

Officers respond to a call in which two men looking for their drone were shot at by a nearby, irate homeowner in this clip from “06.30.18”. #LivePD
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On “Live PD,” ABC’s Dan Abrams and Dallas Police Department Detectives Rich Emberlin and Kevin Jackson offer insight and commentary as live cameras capture the work of a mix of urban and rural police forces around the country on a typical Friday night.

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46 thoughts on “Live PD: Get Off My Wall (Season 2) | A&E

  1. And this, kids is why 'warning shots' are stupid. When a bullet leaves a firearm, it travels at a high velocity until it strikes something, at which point it may fragment or alter course, causing it to continue traveling unpredictably. So yeah, never fire a weapon unless you intend to kill.

  2. My favourite part of this is how the two guys try to pretend they didn’t stick the phone over the wall when the video clearly shows they stuck the phone over the wall. He shouldn’t have used the gun but I can see how he’d be mad the were filming over the wall. Also if they think they lost the drone over the wall then they were probably flying it over other peoples property which is a big no no.

  3. And this is exactly why everyone shouldn't just be automatically allowed to carry deadly weapons. Even if you are responsible you can't know when someone else is going to snap and use their gun maliciously.

  4. All in all it’s just another hole in the wall…. 🤣

  5. Reminds me of a woman we used to live next to that would destroy anything that came into her back yard balls,frisbee,kite, until one day a brick went right into her her bonsai and she didn’t call the cops cause she had trouble with them for breaking all of our stuff long story short points were made on both sides.

  6. Not sure how they all feel. But no dont mess with my property I'd shoot it's a cruel world out there. I don't step down for them. I'd punch too be more aware of responsibility of how too fly and at least know the location send a letter blah blah

  7. Should have just knocked on his door, you could have been seeing what kind of stuff he had to steal and just saying you had a drone, both people are in the wrong

  8. No way he should have shot his gun, but it's funny that everyone's ignoring the jerks taunting him and cursing at him and sticking their phone over his fence taunting him to shoot them. If they're not jerks in the first place then he wouldn't have shot (shouldn't have shot anyways, and the charges on him are appropriate, but would have liked to see the dumb kids get charged with disorderly conduct or something). They're the ones that were escalating it even if he was rude in the first place.

  9. Cripes!!! What craziness.. in my nieghborhood, if someone shows up and says they lost their drone,, you might help them look for it in your yard,, not fire a lethal weapon at them.!

  10. Bro that dude that shot at them does not need a gun. Like that dude said normal people would let look or atleast look for them to find it .not pull a gun and shoot at them. And cause damage and a injury. Glad hes gettimg charged with a felony. Get that gun away from him and his right to carry. Hes seems to be unstable for a gun or any weapon.. my opinion🖕👀👀💯

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