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Officers attend to the underage victims of a hit and run near an airport in this clip from “12.01.18”. #LivePD
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“As the debate over the policing of America continues to be a part of the daily conversation across the nation, Live PD viewers get unfettered and unfiltered live access inside a variety of the countrys busiest police forces, both urban and rural, and the communities they patrol on a typical night. Viewers are encouraged to post their comments about what they witness throughout the night on Facebook and Twitter.
In-studio host, ABCs Dan Abrams, alongside analyst Tom Morris Jr., guide viewers through the night, giving insight to what audiences see in real time (via a mix of dash cams, fixed rig and handheld cameras), bouncing minute-by-minute between the featured police departments and offering an inside look at each live incident.”
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I should have been a copper. I should have learned to patrol and pit.
to be that young and not know how to climb a fence?
So we're they injured and what exactly happened? Not sure I'm clear.
Before seeing the damage, the way the girl was talking sounded as if she was lying. Didn't sound too concerned as she should be. Who knows, they probably watched camera footage if they were really curious and found out they were lying because too be quite honest, with the amount of friends she had, they quite possibly were blasting music and partying / dancing too hard or not paying attention. It's not only drunk drivers that make mistakes.
Mmmm. Interesting story
Not the first time they crossed a fence
I used to drive a Tow Truck. I've attended many many roll-over accidents. That vehicle did not roll over.
The word physics doesn’t exist in their dictionary
They got stuck I side, tried to pull the fence down. Traffic camera got it v
Phil Swift here with flex seal!
She hits the gas instead of the Breaks when hit… Of course
Good thing the airport has all that security to keep everyone safe. Didn't notice somebody driving an SUV through the fence and 4 people wandering around…
Goddam those girls can’t even let each other talk , they talking all at once 🤦ðŸÂ½â€ÂÂÂÂ♂ï¸ÂÂÂÂ😡
Why are they dressed like little gangsters 😂
Wheres border patrol
“Do you have your ID?â€ÂÂÂÂ
“I have a driver’s licenseâ€ÂÂÂÂ
like 5 8 year old girls
That's not the first time they crawled under a fence…
they believed that?
Cop should’ve just stepped over.
I have a theory that these kids are lying for sure and I even have some "evidence" (I think). Well for one, the kids are super hasty and nervous while explaining the story, already red flags there. Two, the kids are even more hasty about getting home, almost like they are hiding something. Three, when the officer pulled up the fence to let everyone crawl out, all of the sudden, the kids wants to quickly grab their backpacks/unidentified items out of the car like there's something in they are trying to keep hidden from the officers. Four, the kids said they got hit by a car but there's no damage on the bumper of the car when they stated that they got hit from the back. If they got hit so hard that they lost control and ran through a fence, it will leave a dent on the bumper guaranteed. It even appears that there is more damage on the side of the car than on the back. Also, the kids were all fine and uninjured but one kid says her head hurts but rejects the officer's medical help (not that hard of evidence but it's something). There story is very shaky as well, they each wait for one to tell a part of a story and the others go along with it. This part is also really suspicious to me: 3:20 Notice how they take a while to respond and how the officer had to answer their question at first. The girl even says "I think…" which if you don't get any injuries on your head or if you don't pass out, I don't know how she doesn't know if the car flipped or not. And before I get angry replies, this is only a theory. So chill out.
If they didn’t roll WTF hit them?!
Is anyone wondering how the car got In there like that with the fence up still but they can’t get out somehow? Wtf
GTA cheat gone horribly wrong. 😂😂😂
Didddo 99?99?! Zzz (89.@
“someone hit my car and took offâ€ÂÂÂÂ
“are you hurt?â€ÂÂÂÂ
“case closedâ€ÂÂÂÂ
3:42 that's rollover damage
She keeps saying she is the driver, I don’t buy that.
Hey YouTubers are you okay though?
They got into the fence and they can't get out. This doesn't make sense!
Legit: 1 minute in and this is the only Live PD episode i want to click SKIP button.
Edit: i skipped it.
they were probably racing
" I don't think it rolled" proceeds to show rollover damage
Sucks for these kids. They're NEVER gonna be let out with their friends again! Mexican moms be like: "Uno nunca sabe" lol
She saw headlights and then they hit her in the back??? How did a car coming towards you hit you in the back?? The car didn't look like it had been in a rollover either. I call BS.
"She slammed into the fence and that's how she got on the other side" I think that's pretty obvious but how the fence managed to put itself back together is beyond me
3:44 after inspecting that damage I can safely say.
These kids lied and got karma'ed onto the other side of the fence.
You can clearly see that the bumber was barely damaged at all.
The exact opposite result of a hit and run.
The car simply rolled over in the process of going onto the fence as we can see here.
This video also solves the ghost car mystery.
Well.. That was a miracle. Im glad all of those kids made it home.
The officer says "chalk that up as a win." But the guy who did it is still out there, so that's about as big a loss as you can get, unless one of the kids got injured or killed of course.
Hey guys just in case you didn't know, they're stuck in there and don't know how to get out of there.
Yeah but nobody got hurt right?
Thats funny a bunch of mexicans and they cant climb a fence
Sooner or later, ever Chevy Blazer is going to do a couple of barrel rolls.