Live PD: Family Road Block (Season 3) | A&E

Live PD: Family Road Block (Season 3) | A&E

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A man looking for real estate property was accused by a family of blocking the road with his Mini Cooper in this clip from “4.20.19. #LivePD
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In-studio host, ABCs Dan Abrams, alongside analyst Tom Morris Jr., guide viewers through the night, giving insight to what audiences see in real time (via a mix of dash cams, fixed rig and handheld cameras), bouncing minute-by-minute between the featured police departments and offering an inside look at each live incident.

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34 thoughts on “Live PD: Family Road Block (Season 3) | A&E

  1. Well I'd consider this guy fairly lucky. At least you realized your neighbors were going to be drama seeking idiots before you decided to buy your property. Someone's looking out for you dude lol. Most aren't aren't lucky and end up resenting the people they live next to.

  2. I deliver packages on one way dirt roads all the time and when the owner rolls up on his mini driveway or dirt road car, van or truck they pull over in the grass for us its called courtesy but you guys have dirt all around you and a 4×4 truck (big trucks low self-esteem)

  3. Karen lives in the middle of nowhere too! You can't escape her😳

  4. Dodge Big Horn edition? 🤣🤣🤣 AMERICA

  5. If that was their property they had every right to flip out..if it's a shared road..they were being dickish and there's a good sign that he shouldn't buy property there..also that mini Cooper don't belong on that road.

  6. Look At Where They Live😐

  7. Bunch of whine a$$e$. Hope he doesn’t buy property there. Gonna be a big mistake.

  8. So basically their was a mini him blocking the road😂😂😂 like if you get it

  9. A Mini Cooper managed to intimidate a bunch of trucks. Now I’ve seen everything.

  10. The officer seems professional and I'm sure he does a great job but it's driving me nuts that he's mixing up the terms "one way" and "one lane" road during his talk with the wife and husband.

  11. Just read this deputy was shot 4 times back in March 2020 investigating a stabbing… Deputy Cooper wasn't killed but the bad guy valliantly caught 12 of 13 bullets fired at him by Cooper's partner before he died.

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