Live PD: Dude, Where’s My Car (Season 3) | A&E

Live PD: Dude, Where’s My Car (Season 3) | A&E

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A suspect claims mistaken car identity after he is accused of trying to break into a car at the mall in this clip from “12.14.18.” #LivePD
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“As the debate over the policing of America continues to be a part of the daily conversation across the nation, Live PD viewers get unfettered and unfiltered live access inside a variety of the countrys busiest police forces, both urban and rural, and the communities they patrol on a typical night. Viewers are encouraged to post their comments about what they witness throughout the night on Facebook and Twitter.

In-studio host, ABCs Dan Abrams, alongside analyst Tom Morris Jr., guide viewers through the night, giving insight to what audiences see in real time (via a mix of dash cams, fixed rig and handheld cameras), bouncing minute-by-minute between the featured police departments and offering an inside look at each live incident.”

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48 thoughts on “Live PD: Dude, Where’s My Car (Season 3) | A&E

  1. ‘You stole that? Looks like a chicks shirt’ 😂

  2. It’s a guys shirt

    Oh, I’m sorry! 😨

  3. That was really brave of you Sandra. You just told him he’s not going anywhere?


    Oh Kay, go ahead and put your hands behind your back Sandra, you can’t hold people against their will in the state of California.

  4. How do we know he doesn’t suffer from Kleptomaniac ?

  5. How do we know he doesn’t suffer from Kleptomaniac ?

  6. Latinos cops= so basically you stole the items to basically wear them or basically to sell them right basically😂😄😂

  7. I dont know why anyone would take a bunch of xanax then go and try to steal. But at the same time i know first hand that pretty much anything you do while on xanax doesnt have an explanation

  8. I’m surprised he didn’t ask for a Taco 🌮

  9. Wait a minute 🤔……never mind it’s Live PD and weird stuff happens. 😂

  10. Not that she had to exactly be an Amazon or anything, to keep that particular criminal mastermind at bay, but she took a risk, not knowing if this guy was out of his tree and might hurt her or worse, if he did get out. And after, she's an absolute cucumber, making the report. The most nonchalant sip of her drink, and 'Nah.' is a whole badass chick mood

  11. The fact that this dude kept lying despite him knowing that the cops 100% saw through his BS…. Just stop lying. There’s a line 😂

  12. Thwarted by a 12 year old girl… Stop doing crime bro, you're not good at it 😂😂

  13. Something tells me that, when his mates ask what happened, he'll omit the part about being detained by a 12yr old… 😂🤦‍♀️

  14. How you gonna leave keys…..wait…..dude…..stop smoking that stuff. By the way…if a 12cyear old girl detained you….you definitely need to stop trying to be a thug … You're very very VERY bad at it

  15. It’s the lies for me😂😂😂

  16. his eyes when the officer called it a girls shirt😂

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