Live PD: Cuz I Luv U (Season 3) | A&E

Live PD: Cuz I Luv U (Season 3) | A&E

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After reporting her neighbor for having active warrants, the caller arrives at the scene with cops to tell the suspect that she only called because she loves him in this clip from “12.01.18”. #LivePD
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“As the debate over the policing of America continues to be a part of the daily conversation across the nation, Live PD viewers get unfettered and unfiltered live access inside a variety of the countrys busiest police forces, both urban and rural, and the communities they patrol on a typical night. Viewers are encouraged to post their comments about what they witness throughout the night on Facebook and Twitter.

In-studio host, ABCs Dan Abrams, alongside analyst Tom Morris Jr., guide viewers through the night, giving insight to what audiences see in real time (via a mix of dash cams, fixed rig and handheld cameras), bouncing minute-by-minute between the featured police departments and offering an inside look at each live incident.”

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41 thoughts on “Live PD: Cuz I Luv U (Season 3) | A&E

  1. At least she has a HEART and feeling the rest 👇

  2. Maybe they should have taken him to rehab to detox then to jail I think🤷🏽‍♀️

  3. "I'll never speak to you again"…15 seconds later…"I'll call you to bail me out" 😂🤣

  4. Nothing worse than a loud drunk yelling at a drunk. And both of them straight telling on each other in front of the law. Looks to me she could use some help, and is really gonna regret calling the cops if he calls her probation officer. Great video

  5. Once I heard the “take a care apart & put it back together”, I said 👀👀 METH

  6. Ru Paul has changed careers…..😳

  7. I’m 42 and never touched a drug in my life…I’m now heading out to buy meth and heroin after hearing that voice.

  8. she’s actually so cute

  9. man in handcuffs “I NEED HER GONE”

  10. “She gained access to areas we didn’t have access to” So B&E is legal when the cops are there lol.

  11. I’m thinking that should have been a two for 1 deal 👍🏻✌🏻

  12. Husband
    – "Shes been Drinking and smoking Pot! I want her gone.
    – " I SMOKE MO NO POT!

  13. “Oh no it’s meyasadameya isgebsosgsbs for years”

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