Live PD: Covered in Stickers (Season 2) | A&E

Live PD: Covered in Stickers (Season 2) | A&E

Deputies conduct a welfare check on an intoxicated woman who is covered in stickers and walking down the middle of road in this clip from “03.24.18”. #LivePD
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Live PD
Season 2
Episode 44

On “Live PD,” ABC’s Dan Abrams and Dallas Police Department Detectives Rich Emberlin and Kevin Jackson offer insight and commentary as live cameras capture the work of a mix of urban and rural police forces around the country on a typical Friday night.

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46 thoughts on “Live PD: Covered in Stickers (Season 2) | A&E

  1. She’s so intoxicated 🥴

  2. “You need a ride home but we can’t help you with that” tf

  3. Look, I'm pretty much pro-police, but I mean, c'mon get her home safe. Glad a friend did. "We're not a taxi service." Dude, she's a confused, old lady that needs some help. If it was your mom, or a mom you know, what would you do?

  4. It’s got stickas

  5. “Not a taxi cab” but they’ll love to deliver you to the local town police stations.

  6. She almost made it to my county 😳

  7. I’m pretty sure those are called burrs, quite the misleading title

  8. Not to be a downer…and I know these particular officers can't do anything about it, but I feel like if it's their job to protect and serve…they should be able to give rides home or at least have a deal with a cab company or something! What if no one came to get her? Would she go to jail? That's a joke.

  9. I like seeing regular good ppl that get drunk and don’t insult ppl or hurt anyone or ruin their own lives

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