Live PD: Can’t Win If You Don’t Try (Season 2) | A&E

Live PD: Can’t Win If You Don’t Try (Season 2) | A&E

When officers realize that a man leaving a known drug spot has given them a fake name, he makes his best attempt at escape in this clip from “2.23.18.” #LivePD
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37 thoughts on “Live PD: Can’t Win If You Don’t Try (Season 2) | A&E

  1. The cameraman getting good footage like 👁👄👁

  2. Best police work I’ve seen on this show. You couldn’t ask for a better arrest

  3. Why don’t they just go shut down the drug house……….

  4. That’s is staged

  5. He says he stopped him for leaving a drug house she later says that they stopped him for looking drunk and just to check on him.. well it's technically not illegal to just be walking down the street apparently all they have to do is say you look drunk and they can pull up on you for absolutely no legal reason. I normally a supporter of law enforcement but there really was no good basis for this stop and he should have been able to refuse the interaction and walk away.

  6. You gotta be quicker then that lol 😂😂😂😂

  7. That’s right Pink Shirt; don’t give the female cop any credit for actually being the ONE to nab the guy.

  8. The Messiah (Jesus) son of Mary he is not GOD but a messenger, God almighty can NOT have a human Mother so are they saying the GOD almighty is half Human? Search for the truth "one message foundation" here YouTube

    Exodus 4:22, Luke 3:38, Psalms 2:7, and Jesus the bible says they are all GOD first born how many first born does GOD have? how many kids do GOD have? search the truth before is too late

  9. If the female officer wouldn’t of been there that male officer would of never caught that guy 🤣🤣

  10. When have you ever heard a cop say “its all good you cant win if you dont try” and the then hands him back the shard

  11. That whole crew is tight, Officer Perez, Laureano, the camera person and the dude holding the light. Whoever is in charge of this entire production is hiring professionals, and are following some very professional police.

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