Live PD: Blue to Breathing (Season 3) | A&E – Car Mod Pros Portal

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Officers attempt to save the life of a man who is overdosing in the street and turning blue in this clip from “3.09.19”. #LivePD
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“As the debate over the policing of America continues to be a part of the daily conversation across the nation, Live PD viewers get unfettered and unfiltered live access inside a variety of the country’s busiest police forces, both urban and rural, and the communities they patrol on a typical night. Viewers are encouraged to post their comments about what they witness throughout the night on Facebook and Twitter.

In-studio host, ABC’s Dan Abrams, alongside analyst Tom Morris Jr., guide viewers through the night, giving insight to what audiences see in real time (via a mix of dash cams, fixed rig and handheld cameras), bouncing minute-by-minute between the featured police departments and offering an inside look at each live incident.”

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By carmodpros


47 thoughts on “Live PD: Blue to Breathing (Season 3) | A&E”
  1. “i didn’t take anything” classic dope fiend

  2. Cops know NOTHING about drugs or the culture. No one is "using it [Narcan] as an excuse". These are addicts who need help. This guy almost certainly got some fentanyl.

  3. Let's just take a moment too thank all the responding officers for one man. For all situation I know it's usually officer safety stuff. But I always find it amazing all these guys come together. ❤️💙

  4. Hope fully these people can be saved and their lives turned around 💗🐥

    Obviously that lady was there because God must be trying to save him

    They should have a special Shelter for these people where they can get help getting off drugs and Improving their lives💗🐥

  5. I am totally against Narcan. If a person wants to use drugs let them pay the consequences. They overdose, and are saved over and over again. Some are saved multiple times in a night. Ridiculous!! Officers have more important things to do then save junkies on the streets!!

  6. They should stop saving ppl that keep over dosing! Let nature take it’s course. It’s a waste of money to save ppl that r too stupid to live! I a recovering addict! Got clean cold turkey. U have want u can do it! Have relapsed once in 4 yrs. let them die it’s what they want! When the users see they not goin be saved all the time they will try harder. Narcam is enabling these ppl to continue to disrupt everyone’s life! Take it off the market!

  7. “ they use narcan as a excuse to take the drugs”!?!? If narcan didn’t even exist most addicts would still use heroin and fentanyl

  8. Excuse to take the drugs because they know the narcan is there? WTF? It’s not like they can narcan themselves.

  9. Uh, I could just be paranoid, but does the ginger cop @0:39 tuck away evidence from the dude's pocket? 🧐😐 Either way, he looked sketch @0:48.

  10. Narcan is great but not at the time, puts you into instant wd. All youre thinking about is your next hit. Sad way to live

  11. I promise you, not a single person using drugs is thinking “it’ll be fine, I’ll be narcaned” no addict wants to be hit with narcan. I know this because I’ve been in recovery for 5 years and even being told “I almost called 911 on you” when I’d finally come to made me extremely angry.

  12. This demonstrates everything wrong with US police. 1. Multiple cops were there before EMS, that ratio should be reversed 2. The person they were helping didn't trust the police (understandable), so they weren't 100% honest with EMS workers, because cops were there too 3. The "bedside manner" of these cops is sub-par, to be charitable. "Did you snort heroin? Did you shoot it? We're trying to save your life here." Being judgemental doesn't do a damned thing to solve the problem in front of you. If you're doing something to further the goal of saving a life, then DO it. If you're doing ANYTHING else, for instance sounding like an accusatory, judgemental cop asking too many questions, you should SHUT UP AND GET OUT OF THE WAY. Unfortunately, I don't think police serve the interests of the public these days. THIS HAS TO CHANGE.

  13. Heroin is the absolute devil. I pray to god every day that I'm sober today. 2 & 1/2 years clean. 🙌 by the grace of God. I hope this man gets the help he needs.

  14. I popped 2 bars and woke up in the hospital with a broken pelvis a broken sacrum, and a fractured knee and ankle. After I woke up they told me I was in a car accident after I had stolen somebody’s car and when the police tried to pull me over I didn’t stop and it escalated into a chase and eventually I wrecked into a telephone pole. I don’t remember any of this

  15. You know what he did if narcan brought him back to life. Why bother asking question. There drugs addicts. Going to lie about drug use. That’s why there drug addicts. Normal people wouldn’t be in that situation officer.

  16. “I’m good bro”
    He’s trying so hard not to get himself or his “friends” in trouble he doesn’t realize the real reason that they’re asking.

  17. I was sleeping … oh You’re just sleeping on the side of the road ?? 😆

  18. Imagine how dope sick your gonna be when that narcan blocks your opiate receptiors…. Instant puking sweating intense withdrawal and it's horrible.. but better then dead … Or is it ? Sometimes during withdrawal u wish u would die to stop the intense pain … It's so horrible I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Addiction is a bit%*

  19. If you chose to take drugs and just so happen to overdose, it’s just population control why try and save a unproductive member of society

  20. 2:55 … sorry.. been a long day for me.. buuuuttt.. I'd like to imagine a "get out jail free" card in this scenario to make this guy feel confident enough to confess 😅

  21. It's the "Ayyyyye's!!" That did it for me
    Well done boys. WELL. DONE.

  22. If it wasent for narcan it would be a lot of dead people ! But these people that do these drug knows that not thinking that it may be to late for naarcan .

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