Seventeen-year-old Preston was sentenced to life without parole after he was convicted for the murder of a classmate during an attempted robbery. Now at age 25, Preston has been granted a resentencing hearing in this recap from Season 1, Episode 3, “Preston”. #KidsBehindBars
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“Kids Behind Bars: Life or Parole” tells the individual stories of eight previously convicted child offenders sentenced to mandatory life terms, without parole, who are now seeking resentencing on the heels of a recent United States Supreme Court ruling. While some may be resentenced to life, others could be immediately released or given a new sentence that makes them eligible for parole.
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This is what happens when ignorance breeds. Parents who fail their children on every level, they have nothing to teach them and/or don’t try. They are entitled, lazy, disrespectful and the rest of us endure the fallout. His sister states “he’s not a murderer, it was a robbery gone wrong.†The irony! He chose to shoot Pitcock 4 times …thus he’s a murderer! I feel pity for the poverty stricken family and their ignorance however it cost zero dollars to be decent, to observe “normalâ€ÂÂÂÂ, to respect another’s life and better yourself as a human. He needs to remain in prison.
And for everyone who thinks they’re cool because they’re at FWBHS, they went to the academy not the high school.
That’s sad I could see why Ronald got life again but Preston deserves a second chance
You plan to rob somebody and bring a gun. That means business for you and whoever decides, they are with you. Its 3 against 1. WTF Did you think was going to go down? He didn't want to die, that wasn't his end game. Criminal intent. You were 17. You knew right from wrong and maybe hey, "I was bored". And now someone lost their life because of stupidity.
How does a robbery go right?
00:11 Buddy in the middle practising how to ask for some celly sausage.
The middle guy looks like he is about to sneeze
Another chance at life? What about the guy you killed, did you give him a chance?
A lot of these kids have losers for parents. The demeanor of Preston's mom when he told her what happened says a lot. All 4 of them are right where they deserve to be.
im all for giving reduced sentences to the other 2 guys who went to rob the pot guy but didnt pull the trigger. i believe they went to rob & thats it. something like 15-20 yrs. kyle who even removed the first bullets because he was worried chavers might shoot by accident was very telling of his humanity. i believe theyre remorseful for what they did & are worth giving a 2nd chance to do it right.
the chavers guy is a sociopath. watching him in the interrogation room being so cocky & cold knowing he just murdered another human being in order to just get a free bag of weed is telling. watching him laugh again in court for resentencing w/ his atty years later while the parents of the murdered boy were sitting there?! thats cold. he still was causing trouble while in prison as an adult. he is not reformed at all. hes still violent. did the terrible home life & abusive mother make him a sociopath or is it in his dna from her that made him a sociopath?! either way, he shouldnt be allowed out to cause harm again. & i believe his behavior shows he would.
btw, i have read so many life stories about kids who were brutalized horribly in their young lives who never became monsters & in fact became heroes & role models for others. & the only people i feel for are the parents of their dead son. they suffer everyday for the actions of chavers.
The guy is all about himself. Hoping he could get out and have a second chance of building a life and being with his family. You can have that chance on the same day your victim rises from his grave and begins living again
So did the minority kids get a resentencing or is theirs based on his re yrial
Multiculturalism is our strength…
I remember when this happened my sisters friend was homies w the dude who died
He wasn't expecting life for this killing Serve ya life sentence be grateful ya still breathing air ya victim aint
Actual quote from inmate's sister after resentencing: "It's not fair. There's like… worse crimes."
IT'S NOT FAIR WTF how has her dumbass made it past infancy with that kind of logic and brain function?? People like her are allowed to vote.
What happened to the black kids that didn't shoot the victim?
I am so sorry for Preston. I am obviously sorry for the kid whose family loved him so dearly, and who did absolutely nothing wrong. But I look at Preston and I feel that the Estate let him down. Didn't protect him as a child, didn't grant him a loving family. Didn't teach him love and compassion and instrad threw him into Dozier school where he was even more wounded. And later on, when he is completely alienated from society, doesn't take responsability for all its failures and denies him any possibility of experience compassion, love and understanding. I understand killers can't be tossed out back to society, but this is wrong at so many levels…
I don´t get it, muerderers take a life and still expect to go on with their´s, they expect to have a second chance when they ended a person´s life. No second chances for the vicim.
all 3 look like set 8 kids
better to die than spending pretty much all your life in prison
No white hat is going to save you
Why does Cyntoai Brown get off life?
Naw they give Child molesters a second chance let them have a second chance at life
He deserves to be in there for the rest of his life. He shows no remorse for what he did. What he did was cold and calculating and well thought out which would null and void the Supreme Court decision which had been based on that children cannot make the best decision making. Which is why he got life. Regardless if the boy he shot was selling drugs. Selling drugs does not lessen the value of human life. Not only did this dude kill him. But to have pulled the trigger 4 times says exactly who he is. A cold blooded murderer that will reoffend again.
Well why should he get a second chance at life when the kid he shot won’t ever get his second chance at life? People like this are just selfish and don’t deserve to be in civilization
There was no point to this hearing at all
They were very young, I don’t agree with the life sentence. I believe they deserve another chance.
Whats that on his head?
Do the big boy crime do the big boy time simple
I have zero sympathy for Preston. Hope he rots in prison for what he did.
I would also like to wish the family and friends of the victim all the best for the future, whatever it may bring.
Honestly, keep them. I'll pay extra taxes. Don't ever let these shitbags out.
I don’t feel bad for the kids getting their time in prison because they deserve it
I just feel bad for the decisions they made
It’s sad to see such young kids ruin their lives
Thy say only god can judg him
Feel like they son should've never been selling weed should've never got into that lifestyle
See they I understand the parents are in pain but he’s a juvenile come on now
Sorry but you deserve life in prison
This is really sad, and I know if someone shot my family member I wouldn't want their freedom, but forgiveness is really important. Terrible for all parties, and it goes to show how fast your life can change.
That man was a kid at least give him a month of freedom
Boo hoo… Many people go through even worse and they don't kill…
American legal system is scary af
All these people coming up with excuses for his actions, he deserves life in prison.
Timothy converted to Islam? Anyone know?
May Allah guide the brother and make things easy for him.
Lmao this got recommended to me just after I got released from YJ