Intervention: The Town – The Zone (Episode 6) | A&E

Intervention: The Town – The Zone (Episode 6) | A&E

Missy Owen, Sgt. Liedke, and Justin Jackson talk about The Zone, a place for recovered addicts to connect and socialize. #Intervention

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29 thoughts on “Intervention: The Town – The Zone (Episode 6) | A&E

  1. It's so amazing to see the love and support I've faced alot of my battles on my own also am clean stay strong everyone if I can do it so can you………. How I got clean …well weed and cigs helped but mostly I just left everything and everyone behind started over and started spending my time and money doing better things it's really hard to quit but you can do it

  2. You want to have to be in recovery, in order for it to have any effect. You have to want to truly change and be better. From person experience, it's an utter waste of money to put one in treatment to continue coming out and relapsing; or they won't accept it.

  3. i think there should be more after care places for people to go because the rehabs there just money suckers. if u can get thru that and then go to after care where real people can help that really care besafe guys.

  4. Ok 👌🏾 very happy 😆 🏡🎳 is that. And

  5. How do you keep an addict in treatment…?? I don't think anyone can do that — except the addict. He/she has got to want to accept the help to get clean and sober. If that doesn't happen, no chance IMO.

  6. Very good Segment!👏🏼Congrats Guys!!! And please know you guys are worth it there is always help!!!!!

  7. to answer the question at the beginning: how to keep an addict in treatment? the answer is: you don't. The real answer is they have to make a choice to do so. They have to be sick of being sick and tired. you can't force these people. it won't work

  8. I'm sure these loser drug addicts are also on welfare…here's an idea…stop being such weak minded fools and don't do heroin/opiates in the first place dumbasses

  9. •••God Bless us all.

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