Intervention: Courtney Uses Her Moms Money to Buy Drugs (Season 21) | A&E

Intervention: Courtney Uses Her Moms Money to Buy Drugs (Season 21) | A&E

Courtney is a drug addict and relies upon her mom to house and pay her in this clip from Season 21, Episode 5, “Courtney.” #Intervention
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“Intervention” profiles people whose addictions or other compulsive behaviors have brought them to a point of personal crisis, and the friends and family members who come together to help them.

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41 thoughts on “Intervention: Courtney Uses Her Moms Money to Buy Drugs (Season 21) | A&E

  1. I feel sad to her mom. she do everything she can just to have her daughter back😥

  2. “what’s the difference between giving me money and buying me clothes” the same reason we get the addict in my family gift cards instead of money, so we know what he’s gonna use it for. common sense is the first thing to go

  3. You don’t give allowance to a addict

  4. Wonder if she’s dead yet

  5. What an extremely hard situation Mum is in! I truly have no idea as a Mama what I would do.. Stop the judgement we never know how our children will do in their lives!

  6. I've seen this episode and it's an absolute pity 🙁

  7. Bad kid: “What gives you the right to come into my room like that!”

    Mom: “i paid the rent”


  8. Bad kid: “What gives you the right to come into my room like that!”

    Mom: “i paid the rent”


  9. Honestly she needs to be thankful for her mom most people don’t even have this .!

  10. Alright let’s be honest….. Tina has got it going on

  11. Why do white people let their kids talk to them like that??? I am 33 and I'm still afraid of my small 4'9 Asian mom. She would woop me into next year if I talked back to her lol!

  12. poor mom😢😖

  13. This is one of the worst enablers I've ever seen. This woman is a criminal for giving her daughter an allowance and paying her rent. The mom needs some sort of rehab, too.

  14. This episode made me cry ! Hard drugs control you and Vourtney can’t stop and her family don’t understand addiction they don’t understand but they episode gets her familyhelp to understand addiction Courtney left treatment after 2 days maybe she just don’t care but she will die or be Jailed or killed but her family will understand after their therapy and the episode didn’t follow up on Courtney what happen to her ? It’s sad

  15. The mother is a huge enabler, she’ll never get better as long as her support system is enabling her.

  16. a drug user and it doesn't matter which kind of drug it might be should ALWAYS be able to afford the money for the stuff BY HIMSELF!!!
    I was a heavy drug user of heroin and cocaine and NEVER took money from my parents,they neither whould have give me just an euro for it.
    Of course i did criminal thing to get the money,but i am proud that I never stole stuff of money from my parents!!

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