I Went On A Prison Date At The Doctors Office…

I Went On A Prison Date At The Doctors Office…

In this video, I want to tell you a story that just happened yesterday involving a doctors appointment I had where I had to go on a prison date… Never in my life did I ever think I would have to do something like this. And this would end up being a very embarrassing and uncomfortable situation.

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22 thoughts on “I Went On A Prison Date At The Doctors Office…

  1. Please don’t lie to your doctors Joe. You’re off probation & clean. You’ve turned your life around.

  2. Joe what’s ligma?

  3. You always hear rumors that prisons will put "Soft Peeter" shit in your juice and even in the milk that you drink and eat your cereal with. I personally,had a terrible issue for 2 years after getting released. I didn't, or wasn't trying to procreate, but hey….in any event, you cant have an open can of worms, with no fishing pole. Happily now, I'm fishing for whale!! Peace all.

  4. The STP reference really got me. I can still remember benching in the weight room in HS with "i am smellin like a rose that somebody gave me on my birthday deathbed" blasting in the background.

  5. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  6. Honestly Joe, I'm really glad you're telling this story because it helps break down the stigma that many men feel. Women get used to this stuff a lot faster than men and we (in general) think you guys shouldn't feel negatively about doing this sort of stuff. Your heath is your health and you should own it. I think owning your health is an admirable trait. You got this. Best of luck to you and Rainne (sorry if I spelled her name wrong.)

  7. Joe u fill almost every hour with a up close reminder how it used to be and how I’m trying to do everything better this time around !

  8. hey Joe don't worry about that man I know a lot of guys that aren't that potent… But if you're trying to have kids man it'll happen brother just I don't know man would do whatever the doctor says good luck brother you should have kept that out of the videos but I understand you like being honest that's cool Joe

  9. Do they have a sign on the door that says “Thank you, come again?”

  10. It's not call triangulation lol it's trifecta 😉

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