I Survived: Young Woman Escapes Attackers – Full Episode (S3, E2) | A&E

I Survived: Young Woman Escapes Attackers – Full Episode (S3, E2) | A&E

A young woman violently assaulted by two men displays extraordinary courage to flee her attackers in Season 3, Episode 2.

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I Survived takes viewers on a journey into the experience of being a victim of a sudden crime, from the moment those attacked first perceive the danger through the potential long-lasting effects.

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34 thoughts on “I Survived: Young Woman Escapes Attackers – Full Episode (S3, E2) | A&E

  1. I've been watching " I survived " for long time.
    What I really don't like is when in cases with multiple victims, survive says "I survived bcz I have a purpose in life ". It's like saying the other victims didn't have a purpose in life, they were just here by mistake. 😢

  2. Ebony is so strong ❤️

  3. Ebony ❤️❤️ strong young woman. Bless you ❤️❤️

  4. I cried with you Ebony. ❤🤞❤😥

  5. I cried listening to Ebony. I hope she is living her best life now. Prayers. 🙏💛🌷🌻🌼

  6. Ebony, You are a courageous smart and resourceful young lady. They can not change you because God made you a wise soul. Only God can change our identity. The two evil men showed who they were. I am so proud of you! Your are a hero to many ladies.
    Peace be with you my sister. I 🙏 for you.

  7. Ebony should have made sure a friend walked her home
    Or had pepper spray
    Or call police and say she sees someone suspicious
    2 am for a 16 year old is really dangerous
    Wow glad she survived

  8. My heart is breaking for little Ebony…she is so young & this isn't fair & she was almost home!! She was so smart & so strong to tell them to use the condom though…but you can tell she is reliving that time, when she is telling this story now…it just breaks my heart!! Ebony, if you ever read this…you were one smart girl…smarter than a lot of women, well older than you, honey…you did all the right things!! You are stronger than either of those men will ever be too!! Bless you & may you have the rest of your life, seeing beautiful, wonderful things!!😢💔 This airplane crash makes me think maybe putting your baby in an overhead bin, might be better than placing it on the floor…I know I couldn't have put my baby on the floor…I would have done anything to not have had to do that to my baby. I think when they first were preparing for a crash landing, they should have had people empty any clothing they had in their carry-on & put it into enough bins for the babies…maybe more could have lived that way…it would have had to have been better than the floor!! I feel so sorry for these parents & all of these children & babies…what a horrible thing to have to do…this was horrible for all the passengers, but I'm sure it was the hardest for those parents & their children & babies!! Jerry was a true hero during this crash…so well composed & willing to help others, without thinking of himself…the world needs more Jerry's!! Blessings to him & to all of these people that endured this plane crash!! This makes me think too, I could never go against my moral judgement on something like this…when not knowing whether anyone was going to survive this, actually going against my instincts & tell parents to put their children on the floor…it just goes against my grain to even think of doing anything that my moral instincts tell me not to do. I know it's airline policy…but, I'm afraid they'd have to just deal with me, doing what I felt was right!! If they want to bar me from flying their airline, that's fine, after something like this happening, I wouldn't have ever flown again anyway!! Just anything, sounds more reasonable than placing a baby on the floor!!

  9. Stay strong Ebony ❤ you are here for a reason. I'm so glad you never gave up!

  10. I woulda been like “please put your children under 2 on the fl-, nah f that. HOLD ON TO YA KIDS”

  11. Don’t read the comments. Stupidity is definitely over-represented here.

  12. Ebony, if anyone deserves to live to a hundred it is you. For you are the strongest among us. I pray that you get all you wish for, married, kids, and yes, one hundred birthday parties.

  13. Every time Ebony cried, I cried. What a valiant young woman. ♥️

  14. Love this show. I thought that flight attendant was a passenger. She was a bit slow and annoying. Just my opinion. I just watched Ebony. I'm glad they all survived!!!! Ebony's story was the most facinating. 💕. They didn't destroy you. Those losers will never go anywhere in life. Ebony will!!

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