I stole a car and got in a high speed chase (Before prison story)

I stole a car and got in a high speed chase (Before prison story)

This story is from my time before prison when I was young and stupid. It’s a really crazy story.

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Why I went to prison FULL STORY: https://youtu.be/7ECgj1NzG_8

Po Box 6113
Chesapeake Va. 23323


Instagram: joepguerrero

Twitter: @joepguerrero

PSN: joepguerrero



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25 thoughts on “I stole a car and got in a high speed chase (Before prison story)

  1. there are shoutouts at the end of this video!! also there is a lesson in this video too. don't be a dumb fuck like i was as a youth. its shit like this that eventually led me to prison. with all that, i hope your entertained.😀

  2. As a kid or teen we do stuff we don't realize how dumb they actually are till we become an adult and really understand things…
    I Did a few of the same thing in my younger years and not proud of them.. They have helped me become the man I am today… Glad to see you have grown from the childish ways you had….

  3. I had a very similar story to this but it was BB guns and someone's house. They told the cops we were trying to rob them with rifles and the cops came after us with shotguns and shit. When I gave up they stuck the gun in my face, slammed me up in a wall and cuffed me up. They also picked me up by just my cuffs after I stepped in a hole and face planted cuz I couldn't catch myself. They were so pissed at us cuz they missed a high speed chase lol. Good times. The shit we do when were kids… PEACEEEE✌✌

  4. This sounds like it would be so much fun… until you got caught. That’s why I’m not gonna risk it. Once you do something, you can’t take it back.

  5. haY JOe iM a BiG Fan OF ur ChanneL&CLips

    Y DiD The COps pLaCe u in HanDCuFFs resTrainTs

    if TheY werenT GOnna TaKe u n ur buDDies@The TiMe DOwn To JaiL

    TheYre's AbsOLuTeLY NO pOinT pLaCinG u in resTrainTs

    Than TaKinG u baCK To The sCene OF The painT baLLD Car

    Than brinGinG u hOMe

  6. Joe Guerrero and Kevin Rashid Johnson are where it’s at talking about the prison system

  7. God, I remember that feeling. "Shit, they're after us, why the fuck did we do something that stupid?"
    Thank god for finally being too damn old for doing stupid shit 😀
    Damn, you are one fine story-teller, Joe. You need to cash in on that, write a book or something. I'd read that 😀

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