How DRAWING IN PRISON Can Help Your Time Be A lot Better

How DRAWING IN PRISON Can Help Your Time Be A lot Better


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28 thoughts on “How DRAWING IN PRISON Can Help Your Time Be A lot Better

  1. Keep um coming bro. I’ve been down since day one. I’ve been with aps through it all. Proud of ya brother 💯🤘🏻

  2. Those crappy pens.. it’s just the inside of a normal pen. I used to put it in my razor 🪒 to make it easier to write. Ahh bad times..

  3. Feel like your in the matrix 😭😭😭 in Yuma they just gave us real short as pencils no eraser I don't think it was possible to stab anyone with it let alone hold it

  4. Awesome topic today Joe Ross! Def reminds me of the tattoo video, just a different perspective on the idea. Learning any skill or just getting lost in the mental imagery from reading really does make the time go by, eases the mind. I did enuf time to know I'm not gonna sleep unless I can't mentally take myself out of where I am and several times was luck enuf to have cellies that didn't care if the light stayed on while they slept, but hey that's how some guys bid, they just sleep as much of it away as possible don't matter if it's sunshine at noon or the cell light at night somehow they can sleep… not me I killed so many batteries just cuz I had to have something to listen to to fall asleep. Still do and it's been 8 years out for me.

    Thank you for you're insights you have definitely helped me and so many others stay on the straight and narrow through sharing you're experiences. I've been asked so many times why I would watch lockup raw or hard time on cable b4 u and it comes down 100% to I absolutely have to remind myself how horrible that place is and I'll never make a move that would put me back even on probation. Thanks Joe u kept that idea going well.before anyone else on YouTube and still do with both channels. You're my go to when I get home from work and need to unwind

  5. I’m a longtime subscriber but just started watched again recently and this is the first video I felt obliged to give my “like” to since the old days. The perfect combination of brilliant off-the-cuff humor and truly touching sentiment. Plus, you may not need to be an artist to draw, as you said, but you certainly became one. As someone who grew up on Far Side, Bizarro World, and Calvin & Hobbes, I have seen your prison comic art (that I think was stuff you mailed home? Or else just reproductions of your old stuff?) and reading those must have been like a mirage in the desert for people in an environment as starved for decent entertainment as is prison. Your quirky single-panel comics from
    JoeWritesHisWrongs bring to mind the demented work of Gary Larson and Dan Piraro, and while obviously not quite on that level (no offense lol) the deprivation of prison automatically makes it ten times as entertaining. Beggars can’t be choosers when it comes to getting your dopamine releases in to stay sane while confined and nothing lightens the mood or breaks the tension like a good laugh. You may have just been plying a trade and trying to exploit your assets to get gig work in a self-centered struggle for survival and/or zoom-zooms and wham-whams, but little did you know that you were in fact providing a great asset to the community. Thanks for your service!

  6. Something I just saw on a different video was a blade on a zero turn for plowing. That sounds like something you could use to make some extra cash if you wanted to. Just an FYI.

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