Hoarders: Professional House Cleaner Can’t Clean Her Own Mess | A&E

Hoarders: Professional House Cleaner Can’t Clean Her Own Mess | A&E

A woman who makes a living cleaning homes struggles to keep her’s clean in this clip from Season 5, Episode 3.


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Professionals try to help people who compulsively hoard possessions.

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48 thoughts on “Hoarders: Professional House Cleaner Can’t Clean Her Own Mess | A&E

  1. Oh my goddddddddddddd Danmmmm that house is a health hazard dangerous mess 💯😔😩

  2. Poor Freddie he’s escaping by sleeping
    This is beyond unsanitary sprays and powders for bugs won’t work unless you toss out the garbage!

  3. Taking care of family with physical issues is incredibly tolling, both physically and mentally. I couldn't begin to understand how hard it would be on her to be taking care of a husband and child who are both suffering, while working. Of course she struggles. She is alone. She needed compassion long before and a lot more help. And wanting her wedding band is likely fear that once her husband is gone, she will want that connection to him. This is one of the saddest ones I've watched. My husband's family went through this stuff. His Dad had Parkinsons and Bipolar. And his Mums later has ALS and was a bit of a hoarder previously.. It's draining.

  4. Hard to believe someone can live with the roaches all over the place. Me.. one roaches can freak me out. 😱

  5. Didn't finish the episode yet but I bet her being a professional cleaner isn't helping the case. I am one and oh boy my house is a mess. It's so hard to go back home after 12h of scrubbing someone's toilets to go and clean your own and when she had 2 kids to raise and a disabled husband there is no surprise that it got this bad. On top of that she has to watch every day other's people clean and tidy houses when she is living with cockroaches. It's just breaking my heart.

  6. So sad that she's using the excuse that she has to look after him my lateam looked after my dad at home dying of cancer along with me and I was pregnant but we kept our houses clean just lazy poor man looks like he needs a good bath

  7. "You work for hours and it still looks the same", it really doesnt look the same, if youre spending hours cleaning a room you will definitely see the difference. Youre just lazy and dont care. Stop lying to look better, ypure disgusting.

  8. If you pay attention, many if not most of these hoarders wear crosses or have them displayed in their homes, along with Bibles and other religious images and literature. What's up with that?

  9. That lady is very lucky to have such an amazing family and support group. Gorgeous ladies all of them. 😍

  10. I don't care what anyone says. That son can at least clean his own room if he wanted to…..then again he can't even seem to throw away toys he has had since he was 6 years old so maybe not. 😂😂😂

  11. 10/14/21….Just take out 2 huge bags of trash every day—7 days a week.
    1bag in each hand….
    START in 1 room…prob room closest to the front door….
    WHEN finished with 1st room, MOVE on to the next room……repeat + move on….
    THEN fumigate/take out bad walls + floor to replace as needed.

  12. This show made me realize my dad is a hoarder, and has helped me. Luckily it's just the garage, but he has a habit of buying shelves and hutches to display collections. He has given hoarding to me, because I hoard stationary, but it's now under control and organized. I now go into compulsive cleaning, which gets me in trouble with my parents. Its due to trauma that makes me have to have things clean and in order.

  13. Poor lady she is depressed and her sun too, thats why she doesnt want to clean, and taking of her ill husband, a good therapy for both of them ,, but not 3 months long term therapy, talking heals,

  14. I'm sorry to say this but many of these people with major illnesses should have help or be in an appropriate setting like a nursing home. She cleans houses? I can almost understand it being messy but that's plain disgusting. That kid is depressed because he can't have friends over, can likely not have his stuff infested so what does he have to motivated for? I hope this family got the help they needed

  15. If the ring was so important what was it doing in a drawer. Why wasn't on her finger. My mother never took off her ring even to wash dishes. When the people she cleaned for. Might not let her come back because of the roaches who takes care of her husband when she is at work.

  16. Hi by the way the 4 brands sérum are filled with Solid poison check out the autopsies 🔬💉⚰️

  17. “My brother Freddy, we’ve been concerned about him for a while we think he’s depressed”

    Cuts to a piece of paper Freddy wrote saying “I’m like, so mad and stuff”

  18. Won’t be long and this house will be a disaster all over again. This doesn’t fixed the problem. The problem is in all of their psychological mental state.

  19. Gosh makes me so happy to see this. Imagine them getting a nice hot shower, slipping into clean bed linen and waking up in the morning to a clean, tidy and fresh smelling house! The morning coffee (or tea) will taste extra good. It is a luxury they haven't had in years and years.

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