Hoarders: KNIVES Fly When Hoarder Gets Angry With Cleanup | A&E

Hoarders: KNIVES Fly When Hoarder Gets Angry With Cleanup | A&E

Ricky sleeps in a house packed with paper and other flammables that are one spark away from an inferno, in this clip from Season 7, Episode 5 “Cynthia/Ricky”.

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Professionals try to help people who compulsively hoard possessions.

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48 thoughts on “Hoarders: KNIVES Fly When Hoarder Gets Angry With Cleanup | A&E

  1. Once again, no mention of mental health medications. Until then, their brains are unable to function properly. They would be better off getting the meds first ,then cleaning out!

  2. This entire show about just "cleaning up" the mess is completely useless. These people clearly have some serious mental issues and THAT needs to be addressed before any of the mess. Otherwise they will instantly go back to what they've always done.

  3. KNIVES FLY 💨🔪🔥😵
    Knife: fwump

  4. This man is a danger to himself. He’s also negatively impacting his neighbor’s property. Would you want to live next door to that?

  5. If you won’t let a crew go in there to work why is it safe for the person to stay there? I don’t understand why adult protective services wasn’t called right away and he removed from the home and now I’m condemned. This is ludicrous to even do the show on this guy. He needs serious psych help.

  6. As a former meth addict I gotta say he is 100% a meth head. Hyper focused on reading books, or not sleeping and staying up all night cleaning 1 area only making it worse, extremely easily aggravated. Definitely all signs of meth abuse. Hopefully he's gotten some help, I know I ddnt quit until hitting rock bottom and getting counseling/ treatment

  7. A measure of wisdom | each man shall have,

    But never too much let him know;

    For the wise man’s heart | is seldom happy,

    If wisdom too great he has won.
    -Havamal, stanza 55

  8. The tears in his eyes towards the end 🥺🥺🥺

  9. Wow he’s manic, but unfortunately not bad enough to be forced in mental care.

  10. I honestly feel so bad for Ricky. He was born in the wrong time period and as a result hoarded tons of physical books, but if he was born in the 80s or 90s he wouldn't have all these books because he would just download them and read articles on websites

  11. There was a grand wedding and everyone lived here. The house reflects that all the good is gone, people are gone and reality hurts too much. The future existance is bleak so, disassociate and hide in books.

  12. 🕊️⚜️🕊️♈🕊️⚜️🕊️♈🕊️⚜️🕊️♈🕊️⚜️🕊️♈🕊️⚜️🕊️♈🕊️⚜️🕊️♈🕊️⚜️🕊️♈🕊️⚜️🕊️♈🕊️⚜️🕊️♈🕊️⚜️🕊️♈🕊️⚜️🕊️♈🕊️⚜️🕊️♈🕊️⚜️🕊️♈🕊️⚜️🕊️♈🕊️⚜️🕊️♈

  13. 🌍💫🎲👔👖🛁🚽🌍💫🎲👔👖🛁🚽🌍💫🎲👔👖🛁🚽🌍💫🎲👔👖🛁🚽🌍💫🎲👔👖🛁🚽🌍💫🎲👔👖🛁🚽🌍💫🎲👔👖🛁🚽🌍💫🎲👔👖🛁🚽🌍💫🎲👔

  14. This is one of the saddest ones I’ve seen. They cleared out a little space, but the main house is still a massive hazard & unlivable . This guy clearly needs help and can’t manage living on his own. I hope he ends up getting the help he needs.

  15. I like how Rick tells us his name like he’s trying to convince us

  16. The brother needs to STOP PAYING THE FINES. And he needs to stop cleaning up the yard. Enabling a family member to continue making bad choices is not love. I've been through this song-and-dance with a couple of family members and it only makes things worse in the long run.

  17. It's really a waste of time to ask a hoarder "What do you want to do with this?" for being respectful of his or her rights and wishes, because the answer is always just one word"Keep!".

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