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The trauma of dealing with Joanne’s hoarding was so bad for her daughter that she has developed post-traumatic stress disorder in Season 5, Episode 5, Joanne/Kristy (#61). #Hoarders #Halloween
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In Hoarders, Professionals try to help people who compulsively hoard possessions.
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I want a montage of hoarders brushing their teeth and pretending to sleep on a trash pile. It would be like 2 and a half hours long.
Joanne was my bus driver in elementary school in the 90s.
Wow she will kill herself over THINGS.
This lady needed a trip to the beauty parlor. It would’ve done her a world of good. 😃
Anyone else REALLY hate Liberty Mutual commercials?
Corey Chalmers…..the world needs more of his kindness and compassion.
I hope Joanne's daughter is getting the help she needs for her PTSD
Kristy is a pretty woman, I hope that 9 years on she has found someone special who will love and protect her, I went with someone for 18 years who had severe OCD, we were going to be married but at last minute she decided to become a nun, that was 14 years ago, we still keep in touch but I was so broken hearted that I never dated again so I'm 61 and alone with my 5 cats.
Poor Kristi, I hope the guy that attacked her ends up in the electric chair
Please tell me if I'm wrong but I currently do not believe that people hoard to punish themselves. That doesn't make sense. To me, they hoard simply because they're depressed and they no longer care to clean up after themselves. It's also probably because they shop when they're lonely and want to get out of their house so they could feel some sort of "thrill" since nothing else in their life gives them that satisfaction. Or they shop just so they could just feel any sort of emotion.
Watching these episodes helps me keep my house clean and organized! Thank you, “Hoardersâ€ÂÂÂÂ!
imagine being a parent and finding out the daycare you’ve been sending your child to for years …. is THAT?!
sorry but it would be ON SIGHT!
i strongly empathize with Kristy but … not my kids , girl. not my kids …
Hi my name is Joann and I am a retired school bus driver oh yea I am also a pig.
"Wonder what the late fee is on this?" LOL awesome comedy moment.
You are not necessarily a bad mother if your kids are with CPS. One of my relatives recognized she could no longer meet her teen child’s needs. Nobody in the family or friends could do the job. She called CPS on herself and got both herself and her daughter into treatment.
Psychiatrist stay home you really don't care nothing about that black lady
Why don't the kids take kristy's stuff and throw it away before they go home? It helps kristy and her home. It's not everything, but it's the stuff from kristy's happiest days and that's hardest for her to just throw out. Kristy doesn't have many happy memories, but the ones she does have will be the hardest for her to throw out, and she's so nice. It breaks my heart.
If someone is raped/attacked once, chances are it will happen again, because after one attack the vulnerability becomes prevallent, which predators read well. This is especially true if the predator is in the neighborhood, in the family, or sees the victim often. If the predator can attack in the home it makes it that much easier to hide, manipulate and control the situation. These predators are the worst, because it's hard to stand up to them when the safe zone of the house is no longer safe.
Omg how people live? I guess my house is spotless!!
I really feel for Kristy and for JoAnne’s family.
wth is up with all these hoarders and the name JoAnne?
The best revenge is a life well lived Joanne would do herself a world of good to live by that adage rather than hurting herself long after her abusive husband has passed on.