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In this incredible home transformation, Sherry’s floor-to-ceiling hoarded house looks like a new home, in this clip from Season 11, Episode 2, “Sherry”. #Hoarders
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In Hoarders, Professionals try to help people who compulsively hoard possessions.
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Tune in to Hoarders, Mondays at 8/7c on A&E, and stay up to date on all of A&E's premieres at http://aetv.com/schedule.
He is so nice and supportive. He is always respectful no matter what he finds
Sending heartfelt love to Lauren. I hope she realizes that Matt and Sherry are broken and hurt. Hurt people hurt other people. Unfortunately, when they see Lauren, they see all of their perceived failures, mistakes, and bad choices. Lauren, stay strong knowing that there’s nothing wrong with you. You made a decision to live a healthy life. Keep working on yourself and others who see your value.
That mom and son give me incestuous vibes….
I'd marry Lauren. What a kind and loving woman
The son/mother dynamic is a complete and total train wreck. Unfortunately, I believe they are doomed.
We watched this episode last night, my mom was almost moved to tears by the way they were treating Lauren. She needs to cut contact for her own sanity! She is way to good for them.
I'm glad I live in a small place!
Seeing Lauren's relationship with her mother makes my stomach turn. Walk away Lauren! Create your own family because that one is toxic.
The mom and Matt is the crazy ones
Lauren's accent is so cute lol
the house was like mcdonalds playplace. you have to climb through. insane
Wow, what a bitter hateful “mother.†I feel so sorry for Lauren to have to have been raised by that witch. My dear sweet mother is 88 years old now. She had 4 kids, had to bury two, an 8 year old daughter and a 60 year old son. Now there is only me and my older sister and we share the care of our mom. She is so sweet and precious, I cannot ever recall a time that she was mean or used hurtful words. We are so lucky to have her and I wish everyone could experience the kind of maternal love that we have been blessed to have.
Sherry: “Nobody cares about me, trust me.†And baby boys eyes shot sparks! Actually he kinda has the look of a serial killer in the making.
I am so disappointed to find out that this show is scripted. It very well could be Sherry's words but on the show at 48:07 u can see her daughter Lauren mouth what Sherry is saying as she says it (the purse/handbag argument). I'll still watch but now I'm wondering if they don't add junk into rooms, throw a dead mouse under something or move things to make it look more messy… if that's even possible.
I just watched this episode. The mom and brother definitely have their own issues, but there is something about the daughter that is also off. Her alligator tears makes her seem untrustworthy. She also appears to be quite the vindictive person.
We love you Lauren!!! Just because you're genetically related to those too doesn't mean you have to love them or be near them!!!
Listen closely to Matt, he sounds just like Butthead from Beevis & Butthead. He is such a dork.
They are horrible mother and brother, I don’t care if they’re both hoarder the way they treat the daughter for trying to help them is sick.
I ask the family how could you let your mom and brother get this bad
I understand hoarding, but I don't understand the saving of TRASH!!!!
Sherry and Matt treat Lauren like trash. Actually, no–they protect their trash. Of all the hoarders I've seen in this series, Matt is the one I can't stand. He's a sneering, egotistical mama's boy who thinks he's too smart for this world. He makes my skin crawl. Lauren needs to create a new family of choice.
This episode was disturbing. Sheri & Matt are on a whole other level of creeps! I hope Lauren is surrounded by loving people and support. I rather see an update on Lauren and her success story. She is a kind caring person and doesn't deserve those POS in her life.
These two are completely unhinged jfc
Update: house was once again filled with garbage, Matt returned to breast feeding and Lauren is better off without those two. The End.
This episode is really hard to watch without feeling frustrated with Matt and Sherry. Lauren is so patient and I feel so sorry for her to have a family like this. Seriously these people don’t deserve to be helped at the first place smh 🤦ðŸÂ»â€ÂÂÂÂ♂ï¸ÂÂÂÂ
Matt looks like a hobo and he had the audacity to be embarrassed of his mother on camera. Dude look at yourself for heaven sake!
Typical Oedipal Mother is an unrepentant abuser. Girl, run. It's too late for the brother.
Feel so bad for Lauren. Matt kept saying “I hate her, she hates me and we will take it to the grave hating eachother!†Which is sad because Lauren had never said anything about hating her family and only showed them love. She just stood there and took the abuse, as they mentioned it’s all she’s known and is just used to it.
When talking about when Lauren called a wellness check he kept suggesting that she sent a rando to the house… it’s a police officer. He was just so hateful he wanted it to sound as bad as possible.
Mental illness is very real and people deserve to be treated with respect and kindness when they’re traumatized. People can be really mean when they bad things have happened to them and they still deserve love and help. However, MATT and SHERRY are horrible people. Run, Lauren, pleaseðŸ˜â€ÂÂÂ
I can’t explain my absolute contempt and disgust for sherry and Matt … they were so horrible to Lauren for no reason, like they literally hated her for making a well needed call for a wellness check out nothing but love and care…. they just genuinely seem like terrible people throughout the entire episode.
I hope you could have episodes where you go back to those people you helped a year ago to see their development.
I’ve got claustrophobia and all that stuff, and the climb through made me so upset. I just can’t understand being able to live like that.
Love her. She admits she is a hoarder. And gives her full cooperation during the cleanup
Sherry and her weird son are TERRIBLE people, especially towards Lauren!
This is so amazing
I don’t like the quickies and I don’t like it when they leave half or more of the house, un leaned. Why do the set such a short time limit to declutter the house anyway? Boo👎ðŸÂ»
this is from one human, and we ve got 6b on earth…..Thanos, do sth…..
What a shame that so many valuable items were thrown out.
With new wall papers and paint, the house will look newer.
This lady had other problems aside from hoarding
I would just tell everyone long before they went inside to watch your step
I noticed at the beginning Lauren said her mom never wanted children and she was an accident. I'm watching their behavior towards her and I'm like did her mom not want a girl?
When she said, "It's just disorganized." I said that exact thing when my husband mentioned my hoard.